I am writing about one of the worst scandals of stealing
human bones to be exposed in Israel in recent years. This
outrage carried out by the Antiquities Authority's
archaeologists, and the way it was handled by the legal
authorities of the State of Israel, raise serious questions
as to why the Attorney General of Israel, Elyakim Rubinstein,
after being presented with detailed complaints, does not
order the police to make a thorough investigation and
officially press charges against the heads of the Antiquities
A number of prominent activists led by R' Avrohom Weitzman of
Bnei Brak, and with the aid of a private detective, took part
in revealing the particulars of this episode. The following
is a summary:
Reports of hundreds of cases full of ancient bones from
archaeological digs throughout Israel reached activists
engaged in preventing grave desecrations. These bones are
stored -- without due respect -- in a carefully guarded
storehouse in the cellar of the Medical Faculty of the Tel
Aviv University in Ramat Aviv. There is evidence that these
bones are subjected to various types of scientific research
and witnesses testify that Antiquities Authority's
anthropologists visit these cellars often. Chareidi activists
put together a special investigative and detective team that
kept track of all developments in those cellars, photographed
and documented what they saw, and spoke with students and
university workers. Much incriminating information was
gathered. According to the best estimates, there are more
than a thousand ancient skeletons in the university's
@SUB TITLE = Complaint Filed at Police Headquarters
After verifying the findings, activists of the Federation for
the Prevention of Desecration of Graves, together with United
Torah Jewry MKs, went to the Dan Area Police Headquarters
(the Dan area is the central section of Israel stretching
from Tel Aviv to Petach Tikvah) to file an official
complaint. R' Meir Neuman, a Torah-observant lawyer,
submitted the charges. He accused the Tel Aviv University of
having in its possession hundreds of human bones and
skeletons that must legally be buried, an act violating the
Law of Punishments par. 172 prohibiting desecration of human
bones, a criminal offense punishable by three years in
prison; and contrary to the directives of the previous
Attorney General, Michael Ben Yair, who determined that
"human bones are not antiquities."
Immediately after the complaint was officially filed, the
activists and public representatives drove to Tel Aviv
University to check out this shocking affair personally. To
their dismay, the university's gates were blocked by private
security guards with the active assistance of the police
Central Patrol Unit, barring entrance to any chareidi. After
dickering the police allowed only the MKs to enter the
university grounds. Even representatives of the Office of
Religious Affairs, responsible for burying these bones, were
denied admission to the university campus.
After a long wait near the gates, university officials
finally arrived. They, however, adamantly refused to allow
the MKs entry to the storehouses where the bones are kept.
Through the intervention of the Dan Area Police Chief, Deputy
Commissioner David Krozah, and other regional police
officers, a special meeting with the university's president,
Prof. Yoram Dinstein, and the Anatomy Department heads, Prof.
Hershkovitz and Lipshitz, was agreed upon. At this meeting
too, the top university executives refused to allow entry to
the storehouses.
@SUB TITLE = Police Intervention
Only after it was made crystal clear to those present that
Torah Jewry would not allow this inhuman situation to
continue, and that a prompt solution must be found, did the
police resolve that no changes in the storehouses containing
the bones would take place until a joint meeting of all
involved parties could make decisions concerning this serious
problem. A little while later police investigators arrived,
documented the findings and transferred 50 cases of bones to
the Office of Religious Affairs, leaving some thousands of
skeletons and human bones still at the storehouses.
The Dan Area Police Chief, Deputy Commissioner David Krozah,
tried to mediate the affair and met with gedolei Yisroel
shlita who demanded his immediate intervention. The
Police Chief denied trying to avoid a police investigation
claiming his desire is to end the whole affair without
further involvement and have all the boxes of bones buried.
Investigating the episode in depth, he said, would require
hundreds of days to document each case. (Some criticized
Krozah for even trying to mediate in this incident since that
was not his job, and all he was requested to do was to launch
a criminal investigation.)
Deputy Commissioner Krozah promised that not even one single
case would be removed from the Antiquities Authority's
storehouse in Tel Aviv University.
What really happened is that many cases, almost all of them,
disappeared during the last three months.
We must point out that ever since then everything has
remained the same -- except for one important fact: Last
month the storehouses were emptied at an accelerated rate
especially after the detailed complaint was filed by the
police and the Attorney General.
@SUB TITLE = Tens of Thousands of Skeletons
In recent years, the Antiquity Authority's archaeologists
have emptied tens of thousands of graves containing nearly a
hundred thousand skeletons and skulls, and totaling millions
of human bones. This is a horrible gezeira of
chitutei shichvei liable, chas vesholom, to
cause tragedies. The activists have in their possession
diaries, computerized reports and additional testimony, which
describe in detail the location of the graves from which the
archaeologists removed the skeletons.
In Yerushalayim itself there are five warehouses containing
human bones, besides other storehouses scattered throughout
Israel. In Yerushalayim there is one enormous storehouse of
1500 square meters (about 15,000 square feet), with tens of
thousands of human bones.
For many months the devoted activists, with a private
detective, photocopied and documented the whole sorry
situation. All of the photos, including a video film, were
taken from the windows of the cellars and storehouses.
R' Avrohom Weitzman, who has been involved in this problem
for many years, delivered to Attorney General Elyakim
Rubinstein and to the police, many findings including photos,
video films, and documents. R' Weitzman has not received any
official response.
Police officials say that as far as they are concerned they
can set up a special investigation squad to investigate this
episode thoroughly. The head of the Department for
Investigations, Commissioner Yosi Sirvon, is waiting for
guidelines from the Attorney General. Elyakim Rubinstein has
held back from sending these guidelines, and claims that the
police are not prepared to set up a special investigation
Rubinstein has flatly refused, many times, to meet with R'
Weitzman or other prominent activists. Weitzman has talked
for hours on end with Rubinstein's assistant, Kubi Shapira,
but to no avail. (On the other hand, the previous assistant
to the Attorney General, Noam Solberg (today a judge in the
Magistrate's Court of Yerushalayim) was actively involved in
the affair, and tried as much as he could to help the
@SUB TITLE = The List of Skulls
More than a month ago R' Weitzman sent an urgent telegram to
the Attorney General. It read as follows: "Since the police
are expected to request and receive the opinion of the
Attorney General, I want to inform you that I have filed a
complaint with the police against Tel Aviv University. I am
not prepared to accept any compromises. The ruling that all
bones of the dead must be transferred for burial must be
fulfilled immediately by the Antiquities Authority and all
colleges. The police must document with video cameras all the
storehouses. Moreover, police must seize all the computerized
material in the Department for Anthropology of the Tel Aviv
University, and all computerized material in the possession
of Yossi Nagar of the Rockefeller Museum's Anthropological
Institute in Yerushalayim should be confiscated. [The police]
must determine whether human bones were brought into the
storehouses after the directive of Attorney General Yair
(that human bones are not antiquities) was issued. I request
your special attention in connection with the document I sent
to you and to the police about the list of skulls found by
Yossi Nagar from the year 1995 and 1996. What Yossi Nagar has
done should be considered a transferal of human bones to
`permanent storehouses' as he defines them in his diary."
Weitzman writes in his letter that tens of thousands of
corpses were involved and they were thrown out of their
graves and smashed bones were dispersed in piles of mud and
garbage in hundreds of places. "It seems that those people .
. . once again deceived all legal authorities with
declarations that they delivered for burial all the bones of
the dead, while instead they secretly transferred the bones
of tens of thousands of the dead to secret storehouses of
student dormitories in universities throughout Israel and to
other places. This would never have been revealed if we had
not decided to employ a private detective."
@SUB TITLE = Criminal Scandal
The letter was sent more than a month ago but nothing was
done about it -- at least as far as is known to the activists
involved in this affair. The Attorney General has not yet
instructed the police to open an official investigation. The
archaeologists have meanwhile moved the bones to hidden
locations, a fact which will naturally hamper any future
investigation. The Attorney General has resolutely and
consistently refused to meet R' Weitzman or other eminent
activists to hear additional information.
@SUB TITLE = The Test of Time
Is this not considered obstructing an investigation? Were
those archaeologists and university heads involved in the
stacking up of human bones in the storehouses informed by the
Attorney General's office or the Police Department about the
submitted complaint and the investigation that should be
underway? Is the Attorney General or the Police Department
delaying an investigation so that any evidence in the
storehouses can be removed?
Rubinstein claims that his assistant contacted the General
Manager of the Antiquities Authority, Amir Drori, and the Tel
Aviv University Rector, Prof. Nili Cohen, and asked them to
clarify whether there are human bones in their possession. It
seems that the Attorney General believes those involved in
this affair -- the Antiquities Authority, Tel Aviv
University, and other interested parties -- more than the
conclusive photographic proofs. Why? We do not know.
Rubinstein shows in his reply that he is trying to avoid a
criminal investigation despite the clear findings. He thinks
that a "solution in a peaceful manner, as was achieved in the
Tel Aviv University, is the proper way to solve such
@SUB TITLE = Secret Laboratory
The directive of the previous Attorney General, Michael Ben
Yair, is worth reviewing. He ruled that "human bones are not
antiquities." The implication in Ben Yair's legal opinion is
that the moment bones are revealed they should be handed over
for burial to the Office of Religious Affairs. However, the
pictures are irrefutable evidence that this is not being
carried out in practice.
The warehouses are unquestionably illegal. The Antiquities
Authority, to forestall the legal issues, shipped a thousand
(!) cases of bones to the Office of Religious Affairs a few
days after Ben Yair's directive was announced. As this
investigation showed, tens of thousands of cases still
languish in the storehouses.
@SUB TITLE = Waiting for Instructions
In fact, the anthropological laboratory of the Antiquities
Authority was supposed to close up shop immediately after Ben
Yair's directive was announced. However, the laboratory was
merely moved to another location.
The activists say that it appears that Rubinstein is not
moved by the terrifying fact that an enormous amount of human
bones are stored away in boxes instead of being brought for
burial. "We are talking about immense storehouses that are
against the directives," one of the activists said. "I would
not be surprised if Rubinstein would issue a directive that
this topic is not under police jurisdiction. The obvious
question is: The previous Attorney General, Ben Yair,
publicized an unambiguous legal opinion. Why has Rubinstein
not directed transferring the dead to burial and opening an
investigation?" he argues.
@SUB TITLE = Intentional Leak of Information?
An activist said: "The private detective and I were in
Yerushalayim following what was happening in the big
storehouse of some 1500 square meters. For a long time we
took pictures outside the building, but little by little over
the last few weeks we began to see that there is not much
left to photograph. The storehouses were emptied out. It
seems that the archaeologists noticed that they were watched
and it is possible that the video films will not be relevant
How was this leaked out to the archaeologists?
Information has reached Yated Ne'eman about what one
of the Attorney General's assistants told a recognized
personality in the Torah World. The assistant claimed he had
ordered various universities throughout the country to return
the cases to the Office of Religious Affairs so that they
could be buried. Is it not possible that because of these
talks the university heads understood that the Attorney
General is heading for a police investigation?
@SUB TITLE = The Archaeologists Continue in Their
Meanwhile the archaeologists are continuing as if nothing had
happened. Every few days news articles are published in the
Hebrew daily Yated Ne'eman about archaeological
diggings by the Antiquities Authority workers who destroy
ancient graves in various places throughout the land.
It is of course proper that Torah-loyal Jewry who believe in
the resurrection of the dead will bitterly protest against
this gezeira of chitutei shichvei and against
the outrageous desecration of millions of bones of our
forefathers that have either been thrown away or disgraced in
the cellars of the Antiquities Authority for anthropological