Chareidi public figures have expressed concern over remarks
made last week by Education Minister Yossi Sarid, about his
intentions to institute an extremist-liberal line in the
Education Ministry. Sarid went so far as to say he will open
schools to propaganda campaigns of unseemly organizations.
These remarks were made within the framework of his
declaration that his activities in the Education Ministry
will be in the spirit of the Meretz ideology of: "Educate the
youth according to our way." He also said that his
Ministry would actively intervene in curriculum planning for
Chinuch Atzmai schools.
Chareidi public figures said that these remarks are very
disturbing and that UTJ Knesset members must be on the alert
to thwart the destructive intentions of a number of
government ministers.
In an interview with the press, Yossi Sarid said: "This
Government is a government of change (shinui) and the
Education Ministry is also one of change." He then added that
unlike his predecessors in the Education Ministry -- Hammer
and Levi, who emphasized Jewish studies -- his emphasis will
be different. "This time, more emphasis will be placed on the
study of democracy and citizenship." Regarding the Jewish
heritage courses given in the state schools, Sarid said: "We
won't let anyone have a monopoly on them." Sarid summarized
his remarks by saying that he would make certain that the
State educational system conforms to his values and those of
his party, and is in line with the policy of "educate the
youth according to our way."
Sarid said that he "wants to see an educational system which
produces enlightened, tolerant human beings with pluralistic
world views; educated people with deeply ingrained values of
democracy, equality and humanism." Sarid then added that he
intends to offer extensive assistance to particular
organization which the religious public considers unseemly,
organizations of the very worst kind, and that his Ministry
will open the doors of the schools to those organizations, so
that they can peddle their wares. "If in the past they were
out of bounds, today they will be legitimate," he said.
In reference to the chareidi and Torah educational systems,
Sarid said that he intends to instate a joint curriculum for
all educational systems, including the Chinuch Atzmai. "This
isn't a quick process, but I am determined to see it
through," he said, "because it is totally inconceivable that
the State should subsidize educational systems without having
a say in them. This must be done urgently."
Former Education Minister Yitzchok Levi said, "Sarid's
remarks were so predictable, that it is surprising that he
waited 24 hours from the time he took office in order to
spout them."
In reaction to Sarid's remarks, MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni said,
"Yossi Sarid has proven from the outset that his appointment
to the position of Education Minister was a forbidden act.
During a period in which parents who send their children to
State schools are afraid of the violence raging there, and
the idea of stationing police in schools due to crimes
committed within their walls is under consideration, the only
recourse is to increase Jewish education and education toward
mitzvah observance, along the lines of the chareidi schools.
But Yossi Sarid is busy toying with dangerous, vain
"We will turn to the Prime Minister with an unequivocal
demand that he stop such talk which is, cholila,
liable to lead to implementation. True, the coalition
agreement determines that the status of the chareidi
chinuch will be preserved. However, we are worried about
the future of the more than one million Jewish children who
are being educated in State schools. In light of what is
happening in this system, a change must occur, but it must be
the precise opposite of the degenerate one Sarid is seeking,"
Rabbi Gafni said.