Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Charedi World

1 Av 5759 - July 14, 1999 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly








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Report on Social Rehabilitation Project in the Chareidi Sector Presented to former Deputy Housing and Construction Minister

by Betzalel Kahn

Commenting on the latest report of the Community Social Rehabilitation Project sponsored by the Housing and Construction Ministry on behalf of the chareidi sector, Rabbi Meir Porush stated: "The Community Social Rehabilitation program administered by the Housing Ministry in the chareidi areas has made a significant contribution, by means of the public awareness it has generated on the issue of granting social services to the chareidi sector. The main contributions of the project involve early childhood enrichment programs, the development of coordinated systems to reinforce studies for children with learning difficulties, the development of the ability of the senior citizens to enter the work force in professions with practical prospects and their awareness of this option, and the creating of social opportunities for the diverse sectors in the various neighborhoods."

The report, presented to the former Deputy Housing and Construction Minister in his last days at the head of that Ministry before the installation of the new government, presents an analysis of the activities of the project in the chareidi sectors of 21 neighborhoods as well as recommendations for future activities. Rabbi Porush, who commended the authors of the report, stated, "The system of integration of the project into each neighborhood should be adapted to the unique characteristics of its residents in line with the principles of the Community Social Rehabilitation Project."

A few years ago, the Community Social Rehabilitation Department founded a joint think tank, composed of experienced professionals in the chareidi sector as well as experienced social planners. These results constituted the basis for the formulation of the guidelines of the Community Social Rehabilitation Program in neighborhoods with a high concentration of chareidim.

In the wake of new findings on the topic, it was decided to focus on the social sphere in five areas which constitute "springboards for change" and are likely to result in significant social progress in the chareidi sector. These areas are: guidance for parents of preschoolers, learning reinforcement programs for youngsters from fifth grade and up, occupational advancement, teenage advancement, programs for dropouts, and plans for the bridging of social gaps.

Concomitantly, a mapping of neighborhoods with relatively large concentrations of chareidim was organized.

Compilers of the report concluded, "The activities of the Community Social Rehabilitation Project in the chareidi sectors are vital. It is important to continue to invest in both the study and development of a professional approach suited to the chareidi sector, with its special needs and characteristics. We will continue to actualize this change in the coming years."

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