We were gratified to see that the famous mechanech and
author, Rabbi Noah Orlowek, also reads our section! Here is
his commentary:
"I read with great satisfaction the articles on hachnossas
orchim by Mrs. Tzivia Ehrlich-Klein. Especially good to
read was the importance attached to keeping your own children
the focus of the Shabbos table, even when there are guests.
The article stated, `Generally, guests will be just as happy
to watch on the sidelines as children feature as the stars
and Center of attraction.' I think that this is an
understatement. Guests are very sensitive to how children -
and wives - are treated at the Shabbos table.
"R' Reuven Feinstein shlita once said that one of the
ways that he knew that his father, R' Moshe zt'l,
loved him was the fact that he never lost his place at the
Shabbos table. This is symbolic, for children must know that
they never the lose the love and attention of their
"Rashi (Bamidbor 29:36) points out that the Torah
teaches us to give a guest who stays for several days
progressively plainer food. The Sabba of Slabodka once
explained this as meaning that the greatest hospitality that
you can show someone is to treat them as if they were part of
the family, and serve them what everyone else eats. Guests
want to see a `business as usual approach' and feel at
"As far as kiruv goes, a beautiful, happy, caring home
is the best proof of the product that we market, precisely
beause it is so rare `out there'.
"Most importantly, let us never forget that our children are
our most important guests, as they stay only for two decades
or so, and we, as parents, hope that they will want to invite
us into their home as well!"
Your editor has the deepest apologies to extend for assuming
too much. In presenting a delightful article about a
househelper who does not let anything go to waste, we jumped
to the conclusion that she was a Philippino ozeret. We
noted how interestingly, her name matched her tendencies -
"Mikimi... mei'ashpos yorim...", one who salvages
something before it hits the dustbin.
The truth, dear readers, is just as fascinating as our
conjecture. Mikimi is a precious Jewish soul who chose her
name to suit her nature. Her given name of Michla,
degenerated to Mickey, which simply sat wrong on her and
irked her.
Michla has come some way, both geographically and
spiritually, and wanted a name to express her gratitude to
Hashem, something to live up to, something REALLY uplifting
like "Mikimi mei'ofor dol." When her father's
yahrzeit rolled around after she had been in Eretz
Yisroel for a while, she decided to adopt a new name, and did
so very properly, with a blessing conferred upon her in
Let me tell you, she lives up to the prognosis. She is a
wonder, a boon to the American community up in Tzefas. Can
you imagine a big heart linked up with a computer? When it
comes to helping, to connecting, to salvaging, nothing useful
escapes Mikimi. If Exhibit A has completed its period of use
by the Cohens, it is ready to serve the Levis, with Mikimi
the ever-eager go-between. If it has outlived all
conventional uses, Mikimi will salvage it for a... how about
a garden-antique?
And getting back to the boast of her employer - that given
all the odd socks of Tzefas, she would/could match them up
together - this is no idle boast. Mikimi is ready to take us
up on it.
She told me so herself.
And so, with profuse apologies, I hope I have set her
wonderful reputation aright - to and from the dustheaps -
which is really her ultimate praise!