In one fell moment, we forgot all of the incidents of the past which fully preoccupied us only a few days ago, and suddenly, all interest is focused upon the historic events in Syria. History is actually unfolding before our very eyes and we are at a loss to fathom it. The Middle East, which was familiar only a short time ago, is undergoing a qualitative change and we cannot even imagine what the future holds in store, which hopefully will not be a repeat of the past. At the very least, we attempt to understand the present, and that is a doubtful exercise at best.
Iran, the arch-enemy of Israel which declared its blunt, outspoken and ultimate goal to destroy the State of Israel, has invested for many long years billions of dollars in planning a death trap, a stranglehold upon the country it despises. It armed Hamas in Gaza, ordered huge, actually incredible amounts of weaponry for Hizbullah in Lebanon, deployed the revolution in Syria, and thus, persistently and steadily prepared all of these factors for the day that it would simultaneously activate them all against Israel and trap them in a clamp.
As for itself, Iran armed itself with deadly weaponry, including satellites in Iran and Yemen, so that all would be ready at the very moment that the governing body in Iran would activate its crushing blow upon Israel. Iran's major plan never treated as a military 'secret' stashed away in the underground precincts of the Ayatollahs, but remained up and aboard, obvious to one and all.
Israel was well aware of its program and prepared itself accordingly., knowing that if, G-d forbid, it was put into action, the Israel citizenry would be faced with a harsh situation, 'catastrophic' or even worse, as a survival question of life and death.
But somewhere, the magnum plan went awry. Call the initiator, Yichye Sinwar, the abdominal murderer who thwarted the plan for which sake Iran starved its countrymen, decelerated its economy to a low, all for the goal of investing many billions which they robbed from its own citizens.
The Hamas leader decided, on his own, without consulting with the Iranian 'boss', to wage war upon Israel in a surprise massacre, succeeding to murder over a thousand men and capture 250 Israelis.
But within this very tragedy, the great, amazing miracle came to light. The fact that he went to war singly, without the other allies, put a wrench in the Iranian master plan. Hizbullah was surprised, and until it rallied, Israeli forces were already spread across the Lebanese border, offsetting the element of shock. The Israeli army first concentrated its war efforts against Hamas, and only after it had dismantled most of the Gaza army did it set its aim against Hizbullah. Iran was also dealt with a harsh blow so that its whole grandiose plan fell by the wayside.
The devotees of the false faith of "my strength and the might of my hand" will surely place the crown upon the head of the IDF, but one who reads the overall map and understands the Iranian plan, regards these events as the arm of Providence which has saved the Jewish settlement here in the Holy Land from Iran's grandiose design.
At this final stage, meanwhile, with the collapse of the plan, the Syrian rule, in which Iran had pumped huge resources, creating the suffocating vise which took years to construct around Israel, crashed down with a big noise and from the very doom of Simchas Torah, there shone the great light of Jewish deliverance. We pray and hope to continue to see the Hand of Providence protecting the Jewish settlement in the Holy Land.
Here and There and Across the Ocean
A new study published by the Anti-Defamation League reveals significant employment discrimination against Israeli Americans and Jews in America. It shows that people seeking employment are required to send out 39% more resumes to look for jobs in order to receive the identical amount of positive reaction as candidates from Western Europe extract for the same jobs.
American Jews applying for employment registered a 4l% higher rate than of the general public. A pity that here in Israel there is no such branch of the Anti-Defamation League, for had it made a survey regarding employment discrimination against chareidi-attired applicants for jobs in government positions, it would discover that the findings in America would be a rosy dream for chareidi job seekers here in Israel.