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18 Kislev, 5785 - December 19, 2024 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Israel Has Become More Religious in the Past Year

by Yitzchok Roth


Some good news for a change. The Institute for Freedom and Responsibility of the Reichman University ran a survey among Israelis, examining how the present war has impacted their level of religiosity. Citizens were asked if their belief in Supreme Providence has changed since the beginning of the war. Also, if their connection to Jewish tradition has been strengthened.

The findings show a marked rise in the religious level of Israelis because of the war. 31% of the participants felt that their belief in Hashem has grown and 28% reported that their connection to Jewish heritage has also increased.

Another interesting finding was that the religious spiritual reinforcement varied with age. Surprisingly, it was stronger among the youth, 37% of those between the ages of 18 and 35 reported a growth in their belief in Hashem since the beginning of the war, as opposed to a mere 18% of people from the 56 bracket and up. Similarly, younger people reported a newfound affinity to Jewish tradition.

The researchers' conclusion: "It seems that coping with the war, which affects the young more intensely, strengthens them more, enabling them to seek religious faith in order to deal with the situation. The findings indicate that this present situation can be a strong catalyst for Israelis seeking greater connection to tradition. Israelis, especially the youth, draw up from religion the moral strength which they so need during these difficult, challenging times. Their attraction to religion will carry on long after the end of the war so that even in this aspect, the Oct. 7th war will change the face of Israel."

If one seeks another factor for the war which the Israeli Left has declared on the present government and its components, it may be their fear of a quiet spiritual revolution taking place in the country and which can transform the secular public in Israel to an ineffective minority, not in the generation to come but even speedily and in our times, Amen.

Analyzing the Statistics of the Gaza Health Authority

Historian Professor Amos Goldberg, Holocaust researcher from the Hebrew University, has recently publicized a clip with an outspoken message: What is taking place now in Gaza is genocide. And he is not the only one. Another Holocaust and genocide researcher, Daniel Baltman, maintains: "Israel is guilty of terrible war crimes in Gaza, ranging between ethnic extermination to genocide."

So who are we to complain about the anti-Semitic pack in the Court of Justice in Hague if we have our own such creatures here in Israel, Blue-White, which is funded from government coffers, supports anti-Semitism in the worst way?

The problem with them is that it is impossible to cut off relations and shut down the Israeli embassy in the University in the same manner that our Foreign Minister Saar did in Ireland. However, it could be possible to withhold the salaries of such people who join the worst anti-Semitic libel-makers.

The Israeli 'genocide', according to these researchers, is of a unique kind unknown in history. There are no historic precedents of public warnings to the populace by the enemy to vacate areas where the enemy army is active. And surely no precedents where the army 'guilty' of genocide keeps on streaming tons of humanitarian aid and food supplies to the noncombatant citizenry. Apparently, these savant experts have discovered that during the Holocaust, the Nazis supplied humanitarian aid to the beleaguered Jews.

Indeed, how many unaffiliated citizens, if at all, were killed in the war?

The conservative Henry Jackson research society claims that the reports of the number of citizens killed in Gaza during the war were inflated by the Hamas Health Ministry in order to place greater blame upon Israel for killing innocent people.

This London based research society breaks down the number of 44,000 dead since Oct. 7th, 2023, published by the Gaza Health Ministry. It was broadcast by the international media as a solid fact, even though no part of it had been corroborated for veracity.

The Jackson report says that no distinction is made between the 17,000 Hamas terrorists killed in Gaza by Israel and the 5,000 people who annually die from natural causes. The report of this institute which was broadcast as accurate throughout the international media shows that, "the facts behind their figures include deaths from natural causes, deaths before and deaths caused by Hamas itself. They do not mention the deaths of Hamas terrorists, and separate figures of women and children who were killed." Thus, part of those reported as 'dead', were later listed as requiring medical aid, after they were listed as war fatalities.

Palestinian and international organizations claim that the majority of fatalities were women and children, while the Jackson report found that "the majority of the dead were men between the ages of 15 and 45. This negates their claim that civilian populations were the prime object and were killed disproportionately. "

On Nov. 10th, the Hamas Government Office reported that almost 40% of the 44,758 reports of death in the Strip were children. The report challenges this, showing that part of the list of children contained registered adults. It further shows that the government Communication Office reports, whose information comes from the Health Ministry, are inflated all along regarding the number of women and children. The Health Ministry reports many men registered as women answering, surprisingly, to the name 'Mohammed'.

A great deal of self-hatred is needed to join the blatant lies of the Hamas organization regarding the number of the dead in Gaza. According to the reports, the fatalities are truly minimal compared to those of other wars fought in residential areas. But who is interested in facts when pure hatred spouts from the mouths of educated professors of Holocaust research?


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