There is good news within the Israeli society. Forget about the anti-dati racket generated by the media and let's deal with the happy facts that indicate a blessed and amazing trend of religious renaissance taking place within the Israeli public. Soldiers going to pray before being sent to the front lines; tefillin being donned in secular high schools with long waiting lines; returned hostages telling how it was pure emunah that kept them going during those very difficult times of brutal captivity and actually saved them many times from the hands of murderers.
Agam Brenner told how she made every effort to keep Shabbos and fast days and refrained from eating non-kosher meat; Ohad Ben Ami davened every day, made Havdalah during his captivity, did not eat chometz on Pesach and began putting on tefillin after his release; Sasha Trifanov put on tefillin for the first time in his life and another {woman} captive recited "Mizmor leDovd! Hashem is my light and salvation..." daily. Emily Damaris hurried to the Kosel to thank Hashem for her miraculous release from captivity while captive Eli Sharaabi recited the Shema and made Kiddush.
These are the open facts, together with the stories from outreach organizations about the tremendous search for spirituality far beyond their capacity to satisfy. The rabid incitement against Torah students, fanned by the knitted-kipa public, is geared to obscure and conceal the spiritual arousal which is troubling the enemies of Judaism who feel that all they worked for over many years — to uproot Judaism and emunah — is going down the drain.
The more they persecute Yiddishkeit, the more it proliferates and swells. And whoever can lend a hand in spreading and intensifying Torah and emunah, will be a partner is the revolution taking place before our very eyes.
The Case Against the Head of the Shabak
Ronen Bar, meanwhile still head of the Shabak, could not have asked for something better than being fired by Binyamin Netanyahu. He is the man responsible for the body which suffered a whopping debacle on Simchas Torah, 7th of October. He should have long ago put the keys on the desk and gone home but has become the darling of the Left camp and of the media in Israel.
He is dubbed 'sentinel' by his ardent admirers, perhaps like the two sentinels whom we read about in the Megilla who plotted to murder Achashverosh! Three days before the war, he was still reassuring the Prime Minister that all was well on the southern front according to the information in the hands of the Shabak, that Hamas was intimidated, that there was no threat of war and that it was advisable to provide more funds in order to reinforce its position.
On that bitter day, early in the morning, when something suspicious was going on by the opposite side of the border and the security system was trying to second-guess the enemy's intentions, the Shabak did not see any reason to wake up the Prime Minister and update him about their suspicions.
All was quiet and serene until the moment when thousands of armed terrorists burst through and launched the worst massacre in the annals of the State. The general security service which should have provided information about what was taking place at the border, made a classic blunder. And the one at the helm should have long slunk home.
This is what the head of AMAN, the IDF intelligence, General Chaliva, did when he resigned, as the head of the Shabak should have also done.
But he didn't do so. He grasped onto the proverbial corners of his office and began designing a way he could remain in it until that time when he himself would decide to leave it elegantly. The method is most simple- - to assign the Prime Minister himself partial culpability so that he could not legally make him resign as being guilty of conflicting interests.
How does one go about carrying this off? The Shabak is expert at such shenanigans. They begin with an inquiry among those close to the PM, calling up from 'the dead' all kinds of valid or fabricated suspicions and thus transforming Netanyahu as beyond the pale of judicial jurisdiction. Besides, the moment the interrogators do this, they become the darlings of the Left at which moment, all is forgotten that on this very organization is really has the heavy blame laying on their shoulders and that they were the first ones who should have demanded his resignation in the same way that they are demanding Netanyahu's resignation.
What clever chicanery. Shabak has to be very cunning in order to devise and carry off such an exercise.