Dei'ah Vedibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

22 Shvat, 5785 - February 20, 2025 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein shlita Explains the Opposition of Israeli Rabbonim to Academic Studies

by Yisroel Rosner


Question: As of late, there has been a breach regarding our position to the academic world as witnessed to our dismay, the opening of a Bais Yaakov school incorporating an academic curriculum. There is a fear that many girls will enroll in it with the argument that in the present available subjects, there are not enough work places and there is a lack of income and proficiency for graduates without an academic degree. What can we say to these girls that all they want is to establish a Torah home and support a husband devoted to Torah study?

Answer: There was once a certain institution which asked the Rosh Yeshiva, author of Ayeles Hashachar, about various postgraduate studies for seminary students in various subjects. This referred to advanced academic studies. Upon completing such studies, the student would receive a degree enabling her to double and triple her income and support a Torah home comfortably. It was asked that if for the sake of a more lucrative salary, she would be permitted leniency to continue her studies in a separate educational academy.

In his vast wisdom and with a bit of humor, the Rosh Yeshiva replied: "It were better for her to become a thief!"

If it is so important to earn more money, it is preferable and easier for a young woman to steal. It is easier and quicker to learn how to steal than to go and acquire an academic degree.

He went on to explain himself. "Look here, if one desires a high income as well as a house of Torah, it is easier to do teshuva for stealing, since one can return stolen money. There are instances where the Torah calls for paying back double or alternately, four or five times the amount stolen. This is the case of things stolen with monetary value, in which case the thief must make good the theft and repent as well.

"But we are talking about young impressionable girls who hear lectures touting undesirable views which tone down their yiras Shomayim. This is a case of "those who leave cannot return." Thus, perhaps she will earn a higher income but while forfeiting a house of Torah. At best, she will still adhere to the Torah and its commandments."

He added: "When we were children, there was a song that went [in Yiddish], 'Plentiful parnossa, fewer blessing.' In other words, in this world, one had to work harder for a livelihood but would reap more blessing.

"One does not need the money, per se, but rather that his income be, indeed, blessed. This can only be gained by pursuing studies in kosher educational institutions. Genuine studies that inculcate Torah values, studies of values like bitachon etc. This will help them to garner the most blessing in their economic endeavors, more than by working hard while earning much money which is lacking in blessing.

I once heard about a yeshiva student who approached the Mashgiach HaRav Eliahu Lopian zt"l to tell him that he is leaving the yeshiva.

The Mashgiach asked: "Why are you leaving? Have you seen no success in your learning?"

He replied, "No, but I am getting older and soon I need to marry and raise a family and I will need to support them. So I want to learn a profession that will allow me to support them."

HaRav Lopian asked, "No one knows the future. Maybe you will die in a few years and all your studies will be for naught."

The bochur was shaken and asked, "Is the Rebbe cursing me?"

"No," answered the Mashgiach. "I am just asking."

The bochur replied, "Hashem gives life to everyone. Why should I be worse than everyone?"

But the Mashgiach was not satisfied. "You are worried about supporting a family. Maybe you will not get married?"

The bochur was shaken again. "Rebbi! HaKodosh Boruch Hu helps everyone to find his mate. Why shouldn't I also find a wife?"

The Mashgiach asked again, "Maybe, choliloh, you will not be healthy enough to work?"

The bochur was visibly upset. "Hashem gives everyone health, life and a family. Why should he curse me instead of blessing me?"

HaRav Lopian answered, "Fool. Even if you have a profession, you see that you need Hashem's help at every step of the way. Yet you have confidence that Hashem will bless you with health and a family. Except with respect to a few pennies you do not want to rely on Hashem to gives parnossoh to the whole world. Do you think that Hashem will not be able to support you if you do His will and continue to learn?"


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