When we see so much hatred of Jews in the campuses throughout the world, many cannot help but be bewildered. How can it be that in the enclaves of enlightenment and academic rectitude there are dynamics of benightedness, racism and supporters of murder and crime, which ostensibly should be distanced from such human society?
Wherefore do distinguished professors in England and Moslem imams vociferously call for the destruction of Western culture? Wherefore do eminent campus deans of liberal academies equally support crime against humanity together with Moslems?
This is a stark reminder that there is no connection between education, culture and ethical distortion. The world saw this clearly in 'progressive' Germany, which was the epicenter of Western culture in the first part of the 20th century, yet from which emanated the arch murderers in history, many of whom boasted distinguished academic degrees.
But why go so far when here, in this tiny province, in our local academies, there exist such wild weeds?
Here, for example, is one such, a well-known Holocaust researcher who delves into the Warsaw ghetto uprising, while claiming that Israel is engaged in a collective genocide in Gaza, and who was not satisfied until he compared the Holocaust victims in the Warsaw ghetto to the dead in Gaza.
This very professor, researching the Holocaust, including a book quoting the diaries of Jews during this period in history, has garnered many prizes. And now, he is sitting and waiting for the diaries of Hamas terrorists in Gaza to come to the fore, describing how the Jews butchered them, in order to record them in a new book and gain many more such kudos from Russia, North Korea, China and other such 'enlightened' countries who honor human rights.
But he was not the only one. One professor of chemistry, one of the founders of "Peace Now," has publicized his thoughts against a Rightist press, labeling it a "supporter of war crimes and crimes against humanity." He wrote that the very newspaper "which sympathizes with settlers and with apartheid, is attempting to minimize the crimes of the treacherous government whose head is a mass murderer for the sake of furthering his political caree? who should be stood before a field court more speedily than that of Ceaucesco."
Let the one who does not remember the Romanian dictator who ruled during the Communist reign and was one of the worst tyrants who simply shot down people at whim. When the Soviet Union collapsed together with its allies, the Romanian president was seized by the masses with his wife and speedily sentenced to death by a court-martial.
According to this professor who called upon the Palestinians to "establish armed militias to protect their towns and villages from the [Israeli] settlers," he was not satisfied until he wrote that "every settler is a terrorist by definition." He maintains that Netanyahu deserves the same end as Ceaucesco.
No one, it seems, is prepared to withhold the salaries of such professors who are being supported by the government treasury and have no qualms of taking money from a state ruled by such a 'dictator'. To be sure, there is no intention of taking such disgusting creatures to court for demanding the assassination of the prime minister, because aren't we living in an enlightened, urbane and pluralistice country where anyone standing on the 'correct side' can voice incitement and wild libel at will and whim.
And in the same context, the American president-elect, Donald Trump, announced that already in the first week of his tenure, he will inform all university deans who foment anti-Semitism, that he will withhold their support. He declared his intention to fight those universities who support anti-Semitism, discredit their special standing and withhold the public allocations which they enjoy.
Trump's advantage over his Israeli counterparts is that he doesn't have to contend with judicial advisors and ask for their agreement in order to protect the public welfare.
Yitzhak Rabin, the prime minister whose assassination the Left commemorates each year and stresses the so-called heritage which he left, said after the Oslo Agreement, when he was warned that it would allow a proliferation of terror: "The Palestinian police will fight against Hamas without Bezelem, without the High Court and without 'Mothers against Silence."
In more explicit terms: "The new Palestinian rule under Arafat will work against its opponents with all the means in its possession, and will thus succeed in its combat better than Israel since it will not have to contend with such bodies as the High Court or 'Bezelem' who purport to protect human rights."
He surely did not imagine that the Palestinian Authority would itself be a terrorist body. But this is already a different subject.