In a unique address delivered by HaRav Moshe Hillel Hirsch to a huge gathering of day-and-evening kollel avreichim attending the siyumim of Mifalei HaTorah Zichron Eidel in Kiryat Sefer, HaRav Hirsch established the obligation at this time to fortify themselves in successive, uninterrupted study of Torah:
In our parsha, Hashem says to Moshe that they [the Jews] will listen to your voice. And Moshe remonstrates: But they will not believe me. Hashem accuses Moshe of slander against the people when they do believe in Him, as is written, 'And the nation believed.' Jews are inherent believers, the sons of believers, as is written [of Avrohom], 'And he believed in Hashem.'
What is the comparison between the faith of Avrohom Ovinu and the belief in Moshe who said that Hashem revealed Himself to him?
HaRav Yisroel Yaakov Lubchansky HY"D, Mashgiach in Baranowitz, asked: Yosef advised Pharaoh to appoint a wise and intelligent man to preserve produce for the future seven years of famine. Why 'navon'? Bring any good director for such a project.
It is only natural that what a person sees affects him. Seeing is believing. That is why a good manager will not solve the problem alone. If a manager is faced with enormous plenty, he sees no immediate need for anything to be done. But an intelligent manager with foresight (navon) will not be over-impressed by the plenty but will plan for the future.
The same applies here. Moshe was aware that the people would believe him, but a great measure of faith was required here. It is hard, under the difficult circumstances in Egypt, to believe that the Redemption was imminent and that all would be good. And even if they made the effort to believe, it would not be a wholehearted emunah.
Here is where Hashem complains to Moshe: the people are genetic believers. Our entire religion is based on Hashem being the source of everything! We believe in personal Divine Providence even when everything points away from this, when everything seems to be governed by Nature and happenstance. But Jews are nevonim. They can look beyond the present and envision the future.
"We also find written in Parshas Voeschanon," Maran added, "that 'this great nation is navon and clever.' This means that Hashem does not give us commandments which cannot be executed fully. Those who are influenced by external things, those who depreciate the mitzvos. will not keep them properly. But if Hashem gives us statutes, chukim, which are beyond our intelligence, it is a sign that we are indeed a wise and navon people not swayed or impressed by superficiality.
"We must know that the devotion and perseverance of yeshiva students, nevonim, especially during this difficult wartime, must be whole and perfect, without interference from the outside. Rabbi Itzele says that the reason why the punishment for laxity in Torah study is greater than with other mitzvos is because people don't naturally feel it or are pained over it like they would be in the haphazard observance of other more tangible mitzvos. The general atmosphere of laxity in Torah study is not readily felt.
"In conclusion, if we maintain ourselves as nevonim, and approach things perfectly without being influenced by the outside, Hashem will bless is with Divine Assistance through success, and that Klal Yisroel will succeed equally, and that we emerge from our troubles here in the land, and from world anti-Semitism in general."