Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

10 Kislev, 5784 - November 23, 2023 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










Produced and housed by











The Full Agudah Convention Program

by Dei'ah Vedibur Staff


Agudath Israel of America

Nov 30- Dec 3, 2023

י'ז-כ' כסלו, שבת פרשת וישלח

A Call to Action

Armon Hotel

Stamford, CT

Convention Program - 5784/2023

6:00 PM Thursday Night Pre-Keynote Sessions

Brothers Reawakening: Our Call to Action

718.298.2077 ext. 9214303#

Shmuli Dembitzer

Mayer Gold

Rabbi Shlomo Landau

Eitan Pfeiffer

Shmuel Sherman

Special Needs in our Community - a Torah Perspective (Women)

718.298.2077 ext. 9214303#


Mrs. Brenda Ketina

7:00 PM Agudah Live

Agudah Live

Interviews, Recap and More from the Convention Center

718.298.2077 ext. 9214506#


Rabbi Ari Strulowitz
Rabbi Shai Markowitz

8:00 PM Thursday Night Keynote Session

Reb Yisroel Bein Ha'Amim - Challenges, Opportunities, Issues, and Solutions

718.298.2077 ext. 9214306#

Message: Rabbi Yosef Frankel

ext. 9214489#

Video Presentation

ext. 9214489#

Rabbi Gershon Miller

ext. 9214489#

Rabbi Shmuel Dishon

ext. 9214492#

Chairman: Chaim Rajchenbach

ext. 9214492#

Master of Ceremonies: Naftali Miller

ext. 9214492#

7:00 PM Agudah Live

Agudah Live

Interviews, Recap and More from the Convention Center

718.298.2077 ext. 9214506#


Rabbi Ari Strulowitz
Rabbi Shai Markowitz

10:00 PM Thursday Night Post-Keynote Session

#askingforafriend: Eretz Yisroel Edition

718.298.2077 ext. 9214308#

Rabbi Yosef Elefant

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

Moderator: Rabbi Yisroel Besser

9:45 AM Friday Morning Concurrent Sessions I

Living in Eretz Yisroel and You: Why it Matters

718.298.2077 ext. 9214312#

Rabbi Yerachmiel Fried

Rabbi Yonoson Rosenblum

Hakol, Kol Yaakov: Leveraging Our Voices to Combat Surging Antisemitism

718.298.2077 ext. 9214313#

Chaskel Bennett

Avrohom Weinstock

11:00 AM Friday Morning Concurrent Sessions II

Torah Magna Umatzla: Increasing our Limud in an Eis Tzoroh

718.298.2077 ext. 9214312#

Rabbi Shrage Malinowitz

Rabbi Yosef Sonnenshein

Kashrus: Maintaining Kedushah in a Starbucks World

718.298.2077 ext. 9214313#

Rabbi Sholem Fishbane

Rabbi Ari Senter

4:10 PM Minchah and Kabalas Shabbos

Rabbi Aryeh Malkiel Kotler

4:20 PM Minchah and Kabalas Shabbos (women)

Refining our Bitachon

Rebbetzin Dina Schoonmaker

8:00 PM Friday Night Concurrent Sessions

Tzipisa Le'yeshuah - The 4th Question

Rabbi Yaakov Robinson

Is our Gashmius Suffocating Us? Where do we go from here

Rabbi Eliezer Gewirtzman

Overcoming the Greeks: Living a Healthier Relational Life (women)

Mrs. Yael Kaisman

9:00 PM Friday Night Keynote Session

Maintaining our Simchas Hachaim and Menuchas Hanefesh in Trying Times

Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin

Rabbi Yosef Elefant

Chairman: Rabbi Shrage Malinowitz

10:15 PM Friday Night Post-Keynote Sessions

Sheves Achim

Rabbi Shmuel Dishon

Rabbi Yehoshua Perlow

R' Uziel Deitch and the Neshama Choir

Friday Night with the Magid - Bringing Light in our Lives in Difficult Times

Rabbi Paysach Krohn

8:00 AM Shacharis

Rabbi Aharon Feldman

10:00 AM Shabbos Morning Session

Q and A with Rabbi Reuven Feinstein

Rabbi Reuven Feinstein

Moderator: Rabbi Moshe Bender

11:30 AM Shabbos Morning Keynote Sessions

Striving for ever greater heights of Ruchniyus

Rabbi Aharon Dovid Goldberg

Rabbi Nochum Binder

Chairman: Rabbi Moshe Danzger

Recognizing the Hand of Hashem in our Journey Through Life (women)

Mrs. Brenda Ketina

2:45 PM Shabbos Afternoon Concurrent Sessions

Living as Yid, Not Just Being A Yid

Rabbi Eliezer Gewirtzman

Rabbi Ariel Shoshan

Behind Closed Doors: most common challenges that come to Rabbanim

Rabbi Yaakov Feiner

Rabbi Yitzchok Frankel

Bringing out the Best in Yourselves (women)

Rabbi Paysach Krohn

4:10 PM Sholosh Seudos

Men I

Rabbi Yehuda Svei

Rabbi Nochum Binder

Chairman: Rabbi Avrohom Luban

Men II

Rabbi Yisroel Perlow

Rabbi Yaakov Robinson

Chairman: Rabbi Eliyahu Simcha Bamberger

Women: Taking our Tefillah to the Next Level

Mrs. Yael Kaisman

7:00 PM Motzei Shabbos

Dispatches From The Front: Eretz Yisroel at War

718.298.2077 ext. 9214320#

Rabbi Shmuel Bloom

Rabbi Yonoson Rosenblum

7:00 PM Agudah Live

Agudah Live

Interviews, Recap and More from the Convention Center

718.298.2077 ext. 9214506#


Rabbi Ari Strulowitz
Rabbi Shai Markowitz

8:00 PM LIVE with Pirchei

718.298.2077 ext. 9214320#

Rabbi Yehuda Kohn

8:15 PM Motzei Shabbos Keynote Address

Call to Action

718.298.2077 ext. 9214325#

Rabbi Yitzchok Kolodetsky

ext. 9214494#

Rabbi Yosef Elefant

ext. 9214497#


Rabbi Menashe Frankel

ext. 9214497#

Rabbi Elya Brudny

ext. 9214494#

Video Presentation

ext. 9214495#

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel

ext. 9214494#

Rabbi Binyomin Eisenberger

ext. 9214496#

Chairman: Ari Stern

ext. 9214498#

10:30 PM Motzei Shabbos

Melavah Malkah

718.298.2077 ext. 9214327#

Accompanied by R' Uziel Deitsch and the Neshama Choir

9:30 AM Sunday Morning Session

#askingforafriend: Government Affairs Edition

718.298.2077 ext. 9214329#

Agudath Israel's Government Affairs Staff

10:45 AM Sunday Morning Closing Keynote Session

Dealing With Anxiety in Stressful Times

718.298.2077 ext. 9214494#

Rabbi Ben Tzion Kokis

ext. 9214503#

Rabbi Joey Haber

ext. 9214504#

Rabbi Moshe Rotberg

ext. 9214501#

Chairman: Rabbi Labish Becker

ext. 9214501#

42 Broadway   |   New York, NY 10004   |   Phone: 212.797.9000   |   Convention Office: 212.797.7380

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