Video clips from Gaza show the market in south Gaza, in those places where the IDF has not reached, as full of produce. Whoever looks a bit closer will discern part of the merchandise still unpacked in its original cartons boasting the UNRWA logo, proving that this entered the Strip as part of the humanitarian gesture.
The terror organization ruling in the city or alternately, the local crime gangs, gain control over the produce and strip the incoming trucks of their contents and, often as not, leaving a bloody trail of victims, injured and dead, in the process (not forgetting, of course, to blame Zahal, adding the number of fatalities to the roster of mortalities being constantly reported in lists from a fictitious health organization). And now the terrorists are selling the goods at unheard of prices in the various marketplaces. Someone, after all, is meant to gain from the aid streaming into the Gaza Strip, and who, if not Hamas and other terrorist organizations, are meant to gain from the fruits of the war?
This is how the enlightened world is led to bemoan the suffering of Gaza citizens. Even a friend of Israel, Chancellor Shultz of Germany, who paid a visit at the beginning of the war, speaking at a press conference, emphasized the need to increase the humanitarian aid to Gaza, saying, "How can we stand by and see the citizens on the verge of starvation? These are not our values." Netanyahu was standing by his side, suppressing his reaction to these disconcerting words.
The huge amounts of food flowing into Gaza can supply food for the entire populace. The hitch is that this food is not reaching the right addresses. Hamas murderers and their ilk, namely local crime gangsters, seize the trucks, empty them of their contents and fill their own tunnels with huge stocks for the hiding terrorists and selling a good amount on the markets at exorbitant prices.
And this is the honest truth. But no one seeks to reveal it. No one in the world is willing to take responsibility over the food reaching Gaza and ensure that it reaches the needy, hungry people, lest they be attacked by Hamas who will make sure to remove the do-gooders — either from Gaza, or altogether, from the world.
If there is famine in Gaza, and this is not at all certain, the responsibility is not that of Israel, but of Hamas. The organization's outspoken interest is simple to starve the people, torture it and cause many to die, because this is their artillery against Israel. It works! And how! Biden sheds crocodile tears on the suffering of the populace.
And so, photos reach the Western world at large depicting the deprivation, much of them probably photo-shopped. Meanwhile, the Israeli government hardly makes a move to defy and deny the lies, to expose those who are behind the situation in Gaza and fight the deceitful Hamas propaganda which serves to defeat Israel in what is termed as a 'knock out', or alternately, in Hebrew, a punch in the nose.