To our brothers, Beis Yisroel, wherever they be: Shalom and much blessing:
The days of Chanukah are fast approaching. We are all aware that this season was privy [in the past] to amazing Heavenly assistance which succeeded in annulling the decrees. At this time, they were fortunate to be able to study Torah and perform the mitzvos in the merit of their self-sacrifice.
We find ourselves in the midst of the year of mourning for Rabbenu the Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Gershon Edelstein, who sacrificed himself for the buttressing of Torah especially during the days of Chanukah which are known to be a time of laxity, when really this should be a time for intensified study. As he expressed in his letter quoting the Ramchal: 'Every tikkun which was made, and every great light that illuminated during a season — when that season of the year comes around, that great light will illuminate again recalling the original light. And the developments of that tikkun will revitalize and reappear to those who embrace it.'
Therefore on Chanukah the light of Torah and mitzvos recurs, and it is an increased auspicious time for success in Torah study and in perfection in mitzvah observance. Therefore it imposes a greater obligation for Torah study.
It is indeed recommended, especially this year, the year of the passing of that tzaddik as well as during this time of war, to increase Torah study, and a pity for every moment lost from study during these days of Chanukah. One should add on to the regular study sessions in yeshivos, kollelim and chadorim. Under no circumstances let there be laxity chas vesholom during these significant days.
As Maran zt"l wrote in his letter of last year, that under no circumstances should there be a lessening of study during these days, wasting time in gatherings not fitting for a Torah student to attend. We hope that Torah institutions will continue as expected and also add on special sessions for study reinforcement.
A wise and intelligent person will understand how far he can reach in devotion to Torah during these days, as the Sheloh HaKodosh wrote, 'These holy days are especially conducive to diligence in Torah beyond other times.'
May this merit stand us all by as protection for all of Jewry, and may we merit the Ultimate Redemption, speedily and in our days, Amen.
[Signatures of 18 Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva]