The Mashgiach, HaRav Don Segal, delivered an inspiring talk to a large audience in Yeshivas Mir in light of these difficult times. He said:
It is written (Bereishis 15:7-8), 'And Hashem said to him: I am Hashem Who took you out of Ur Casdim to give you this land for an inheritance. And he said: Hashem Elokim, how can I know that I will inherit it?' Hashem, out of His love, said to Avrohom, acknowledging that he had obeyed in agreeing to leave Ur Casdim, that telling him that He wished to bequeath to him Eretz Yisroel.
This is not a simple 'giving' but a promise of an inheritance. Even so, Avrohom still asks for a guarantee. While Hashem is ready to give him the land, Avrohom realizes that one must be worthy of such a gift.
We, too, find ourselves in such a situation. Those who are determined to annihilate us, seek to prevent us from having a foothold in the Land. They may not be saying it outright, but their aim is to deny us possession of Eretz Yisroel. In order for us to be here, we must present rights and justification that the gift of the Holy Land be in our merit, as Avrohom sought to know.
King David said (Tehillim 102:18-19):'He heeds the prayer of the [destitute] thorn and does not despite their prayer. Let this be written for a generation to come.' This is interpreted to say that even when the Jewish people are like a thorn which bears no fruit and is of no value, nevertheless, Hashem could have despised such a prayer for the audacity of one making a request, but He does not do so. And why? So that it be written for the future generations.
Prayer is an expression of faith; the more one prays intensely, pouring out one's heart before Hashem, the greater the proof that he, that is Jewry, is stanch in their trust, and therein lies our success.
'May Your kindness Hashem be unto us in the same measure that we aspired for it from You.' Our benefit from Hashem is commensurate to our trust in Him. Even though the situation is such that we must ask for His goodness and are not worthy of it on our own merit, still, if we seek His help, we can expect His lovingkindness expressed in the same measure as we anticipated it.
We must know that as it is in the world, despite the fact that a country may be at war, those who are in the medical field or other vital occupations are not called up to the army for they must keep up the home front. In like measure, those who study Torah are the very vitality and support of the whole country. It is self-evident that they be deferred from such duties. They must remain sanctified unto Hashem and His service.
Torah students are so dear! This is a time for being proud of heart for Hashem, to know and appreciate your worth and the responsibility which rests upon your shoulders. We must realize how precious and priceless is their time. Every moment should be utilized to the utmost advantage. Let the weak one declared that he is strong, for we are all [even nokev] pearls.
This great strength lies only in us; we are the only ones of our people holding on the Torah study for dear life. That very fact exhibits a tremendous Kiddush Hashem. It shows to all that we determine that we are not dependent upon anything — except for Hashem. This is our salvation.
Let the rest occupy themselves with other things. Those with chariots and those with horses, but we — trust only in Hashem our G-d. This will enable us to realize that they shall stumble and fall while we shall rise up and be revived. May we merit seeing the coming of Moshiach, speedily and in our days.