Let all the Torah scholars together with all chareidim — those who are loyal to the world of Hashem — realize that we have nothing save for the study of Torah.
Those who occupy themselves with other things are deceiving, shaky hearts and deluding themselves that they are rescuing us from the threatening dangers. Let them realize that they are gravely mistaken to the degree that they are actually endangering themselves, their families and those around them, as has been known and proven by our Torah leaders.
Desist! Abandon your mistaken notions and imaginary beliefs and return to Hashem through the study and practice of Torah, through teshuva and prayer to the Creator that He protect and save us from all harm and troubles which afflict the world.
Usechu'as Hashem keheref ayin.
(signed) Dov Lando
The evening of 16 MarCheshvan, 5784