In these past day, HaRav Shalom Cohen, Rosh Mesivta of "Derech Emunah", founded by HaRav Chaim Kanievsky ztzvk"l, visited the home of the president of the kollelim, HaRav Dov Povarsky, asking to hear and convey to others the word of Hashem in these challenged days, preceding his imminent chizuk trip to the U.S. and Mexico to uplift the communities of his various past talmidim in both countries.
Klal Yisroel finds itself in grave danger. The only thing that can save us is Torah study. "Not with the force of arms but only through My spirit, says Hashem, the L-rd of Hosts."
We must internalize this: we are in danger. Hamas seeks to destroy us and the only deterrent is our Torah study, which is our life and the length of our days and in it must we delve by day and by night. Our very lives are dependent upon the merit of our Torah study. Thus, whoever helps in perpetuating Torah is verily saving our entire People. It is a basic and pivotal fact.
Those who support avreichim and yeshiva students are privileged that Heaven will testify that they preserved the Jewish People. Each day we express the blessing that 'Blessed are You Hashem Who loves His nation Yisroel.' Hashem truly loves us, but we are in danger. We must do everything in order to save ourselves. There is nothing else we can do. Not arms, not atom bombs nor bullets. These are all nothing. The only thing that can preserve us is Torah study.
Every generation sees enemies who try to decimate us. But HaKodosh Boruch Hu inevitably saves us from their hands. Whoever supports Torah, who helps Hashem, as it were, in this battle, is beloved unto Hashem, Who thanks him and will reward him with all he requests. Is there even a question that Hashem will answer him?