In an address of guidance for the end of the zman in Yeshivas Tiferes Zion, HaRav Dov Lando said that "one should know that Torah must also be studied during the intersession. While there is a need for a student to rest and relax and help in the house, which is surely a mitzvah, still it is clear that Torah study must continue during all interim times so they will not fall lax therein.
"They tell that HaRav Refoel Shapira, Rosh Yeshivas Volozhin, the father-in-law of the Netziv and mechuton of HaRav Chaim of Brisk, was an exceptional masmid. He noted that it was good thing that during bein hazmanim a young man could study what he was most drawn to, even other masechtos."
HaRav Lando related to the trials of maintaining study at this time and said, "Especially at this time, the evil powers, the prosecutors against those who persevere in study try to deflect them but we know and believe that Torah study is what protects the entire country — not anything else. Torah study is the one and only thing in the world which maintains the ongoing existence of the world. We must internalize this very well."
He added emphatically that "one must be heedful during the upcoming bein hazmanim not to cause any chillul Hashem, and certainly not to indulge in outings etc., G-d forbid. May Hashem help that we shall soon partake of the Zevochim and Pesochim sacrifices whose blood be sprinkled upon the corners of the mizbeiach with favor. And may the land be filled with knowledge of Hashem just as water fills the sea."