"When a man toils in Torah, it is a sign that he maintains that the purpose of life is Torah and the honor of Hashem. Chazal see that whoever promotes the honor of Heaven has tremendous Heavenly assistance in his study. With bein hazmanim upon us, one must study as much as possible and not lose whatever he has gained. This includes not going on outings or causing any Chillul Hashem whatsoever.
"Whoever truly honors Hashem merits a special measure of Heavenly assistance in his Torah study. Hashem teaches him Torah, and if one studies when it is particularly difficult, this constitutes honoring Him, and thus he is privy to the same measure of siyata deShmaya which is awarded to one who honors Hashem.
"We see this with Avimi, who forgot Maseches Menochos and asked Rav Chisdo to teach it to him. He actually went himself to Rav Chisdo, who was his disciple, rather than asking him to come to him. He felt that the extra effort would grant him success in regaining the lost masechta.
"We are at the threshold of bein hazmanim. Obviously, we must always be heedful not to lose what we have gained and learned up till now, but all the more so at this time. We are in the midst of war, and chas vesholom, with the threat of another war. Our students must be ever so vigilant and diligent in supreme dedication to study. It is this very study of theirs which can prevent wars.
"One must also be extremely watchful not to cause any Chillul Hashem. People may notice young yeshiva students circulating at such a difficult time, not realizing that it is bein hazmanim. This is why the students should not indulge in outings and be visible to the public eye, but persevere in their study, remaining within the home or the Beis Medrash as much as possible. This will draw Heavenly help to the situation in saving Eretz Yisroel."