Whatever Happens - Netanyahu is Always the Target
by Yitzchok Roth

The front page headlines in one of the leading weekend editions quoted the words of the head of the Security Service aimed at Netanyahu: "...And I am sending you a warning today about war." Thus, simple and unequivocal. The Shabak issued the warning and Netanyahu ignored it. Here, as they say, is the smoking gun, proving that Netanyahu was forewarned and knew about an imminent war but did nothing to prevent it. Then, a smaller subtitle stated: "The severe warning which Netanyahu received on July 23rd - 76 days before the war." Or in simpler terms: The Shabak served its warning two-and-a-half months before the war.
What was Netanyahu expected to do with this warning? To preempt the war with an attack? To invade Gaza, demolish it, destroy the tunnels and murder Sinwar? This is probably what is expected from a Head of State.
But can anyone in the country presume to imagine what would have been the reaction had Netanyahu gone ahead and done that? The attacks which he is subjected to today would have been zero compared to those hurled at him from within, as well as from the world at large had he dared attack Gaza! His critics in the Opposition, beginning with Lapid, more 'savvy' than the rest, who declared that "had I been prime minister, this wouldn't have happened" — together with his murderous cohorts — would have heatedly declared that Netanyahu was doing everything in order to promote his political career. And under cover of the war, he sought to pass his judicial reform, and that to this end, the lives of Israeli soldiers interested him far less than his power.
Does anyone harbor any doubt that these would have been the reactions of any step on the part of Netanyahu? So what was he expected to do? To tell the army to be prepared.
But hadn't the army also heard the same warning? Did they not take into account that war would erupt?
Alright, so they didn't because merely a few days before, a report from Military Intelligence spoke about Hamas that was still intimidated and there was no danger that it would declare war in the near future.
So what did it matter that the Shabak had warned of an imminent war some two-and-a-half months before, but actually, on the eve of the war, everyone was steeped in the euphoria of Hamas being intimidated and the chance of war was minimal. Thus, as usual, Netanyahu is to blame because he is the Head of State.
But to transform a comprehensive warning without a date attached, without any 'meat,' into a front page headline, is simply part of the media campaign to topple the government.
Thoughts for Elul
Our Mussar Torah leaders tell that in past generations, when the coming of Rosh Chodesh was announced in all of the shuls, not only did the fish tremble, but the entire community was seized with a quivering of fear from the approaching days of judgment. Surely, after all we have experienced during this past year, knowing full well that everything, but everything, was already decreed on Rosh Hashonoh of 5784 we must feel it.
This week we already saw the energizing and joyous scene of throngs of precious Bnei Yeshiva making their way, lugging their suitcases on their way to the halls of Torah, accompanied by the tears of parents, prayers of relatives, and hopes of all Jewry, placing their expectations on the future generation of our people, the wonderful generation forging the next link in the chain of generations accompanying our people since its inception as a nation and even before, with the first yeshiva of Shem and Ever, and on to Yaakov's yeshiva in Egypt, established by Yehuda.
Thus have our holy yeshivos been escorted each generation up till our very own, serving as the very foundation of our being and the solid basis of our existence in the world.
Tens of thousands of students returned to the yeshivos for the Elul period. They are our hope, our future. And we pray that they are blessed with days of progress, elevation and blossoming, severed from the attractions of the world around, because, after all, the 'real' world lies within the beis medrash.
The saying 'the world says' which usually refers to a subject being discussed intensively in the gemara for that is the prime world. The outside world can stand on its head, persecute Torah students, deride and harass them, but who is strong and true to his path in life and knows that this is the only way, will not be swayed or deterred by the vociferous cries all around him.