Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

23 Teves, 5784 - January 4, 2024 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Antisemitism Through the Generations

by Yitzchok Roth


Antisemitic uprisings in Iraq took place seven years before Statehood, in the midst of the European Holocaust, influenced by Nazi propaganda, but hatred against Jews stems from envy. Even when Jews were at a nadir, they still remained a target of jealousy by the world nations as being the Chosen People, and most assuredly, when they were successful.

Here is a quote from HaRav Shlomo Zalman Klein, one of the renowned rabbonim of Transylvania (as told to HaRav Yitzchok Roth by an esteemed figure who knew him personally) from his work "Likutei Shlomo." Alas, this work was published by his son, grandfather of the head of the political party (Yair Lapid), "Yesh Atid", as a Shabbos Hagodol sermon in his city in 5672:

"As witnessed by the actions and libels of antisemites, it is apparent that they do not contain an inkling of truth; these are generated from pure jealousy which feeds the hatred.

"There are two kinds of anti-Semitism, each one separate and virulent. In those places where Jews embrace the Torah and its mitzvos wholeheartedly, that is where the gentiles hate them for their strong religiosity, arguing that in this modern world, there is no place for such dedication to religion. In places where religion is wavering among Jews, where they secular, cultured and educated, there the argument is why don't they stick to their religion and not attempt to insinuate themselves among the gentile world. Let them adhere to their Sabbath and no more, rather than infiltrating themselves and causing strong competition.

"Where Jews are 'kosher' and totally observant, there the gentiles hate them for the very reason of being different. But where Jews are corrupt, they feel justified in their loathing.

"This goes to prove that their hatred is baseless, a result of envy and competition. They look askance at Jewish honesty, ethics, and cohesive family life. But if the hatred is only one-sided, a jealousy for the Jewish attempt to be part of their society and do not keep to their own practices and culture, we might construe that this could serve as a prosecution against them in Heaven. Either way; the Jews are subject to hatred and jealousy.

"This is what we learn in the Haggadah: 'And this is what stood in good stead for our ancestors and for us.' Those who despise us have no interest in hating us for Hashem's sake; their hatred is purely on their part. Surely Heaven will not recognize their rationale for anti-Semitism.

"How do we know this? Because 'not only one has reared up to destroy us,' meaning that not one of their reasons for their hatred is legitimate. Neither because we remain insular and separate, nor because we seek to be accepted in their society and culture.

'Throughout the generations, they have remained like a pack of vicious dogs, hating us for their own personal reasons. That is why Hashem monitors their hatred and 'rescues us from their hands',"


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