The top officials of the security system, together with army commentators and other such experts, have been running a propaganda campaign touting the strength of the Israel army as being the best equipped and most efficient in the entire Middle East, and which is fully prepared to deal with all enemies surrounding them. "Our long arm," they like to boast, can pursue, overtake and overcome them all. This is the very army which conquered our enemies in the Six Day War, and also succeeded in deflecting the Egyptian and Syrian armies in the Yom Kippur War. It can also stand against the terrorist organizations surrounding us and felling them with a mortal blow if they dare attack Israel.
When this boast is repeated over many years — and there are no national event when such cliche's are not voiced by the chief leaders of the country — everyone is convinced of their truth. Not only the naive masses but even by those experts in the power struggle in this area. If there be any military figure who dares to malign the army and suggest an opinion contrary to that of the 'experts', he is put in the stocks so that no one else will dare voice such thoughts.
And when the lies collide with the truth, everyone stands back in astonishment: how can it be that such a trained and well-armed army is prone to... Where is their 'long arm'? Why aren't they vanquishing the enemy and routing them?
This top brass has trouble digesting the bitter, painful truth. The IDF is not prepared to fight on many different fronts, and finds it difficult to deal with the southern enemy who continue to send missiles to the center of the country. It surely has trouble establishing a broad front up north. It requires huge stores of weaponry, which is so dependent upon American aid, which is granted grudgingly and with harsh terms. It is doubtful that the army can maintain a strong front on two borders.
An Impossible Struggle
Aluf Miluim Moshe Banda Ben David, a professor of history and philosophy, served a series of strategic positions in the IDF. In an article published in "Middah", he explained the anti-Semitic dogma of Hamas and Hizbullah which maintains that Judaism is a world threat.
It regards the destruction of Israel as a theological command. Proofs of this philosophy, according to them and appearing in articles of their chief proponents of this murder mindset, appear in a book written by a famous Holocaust researcher, Professor Yehuda Bauer, an extreme Leftist and well known peace activist, titled The Arrogant People.
Bauer, who wrote his book long before October 7, relates to the venomous testimonies as truth, and refuses to regard them as mere flighty words. He quotes the advocates of Jihad-ism who dream of continuing along the lines of the Nazi fiend in obliterating all Jews from the face of the earth.
His quotes are spine-tingling and terrifying, and these were not uttered privately but proudly appeared in widespread publications. The victory of Hamas, Hizbullah and their Iranian patrons spell out a victory over Satan, the ultimate enemy of all Moslems in the world. Their shouting is familiar to all Israelis as having one single interpretation: genocide a la Nazism.
Aluf Miluim Ben David writes: "The rise on the world stage of ideological anti-Semitism, and often as not, genocide, supported by local national powers such as Iran and Turkey, carried out in the attack on Gaza Envelope settlements, was hailed by millions of Moslems in the world and is hard to believe after the Holocaust. The determination of Sinwar and Nasrallah to continue the war, and the tough conditions which they demand from their bunkers, as if they were the present victors, arouse our astonishment in bullheaded misinterpretation of their view, as radical Moslems who grasp the idea of 'victory' as their ability to continue to wage the Holy War against Israel, no matter what the price in blood and suffering of their citizens."
This is a brief excerpt of his commentary which goes to show that anyone still dreaming of some sort of national settlement with these murderers, is ignorant of their world-outlook. The Western World sees the Middle East entanglement as a real estate struggle which can be resolved through diplomatic negotiations, one way or the other, whose full price will, naturally, be paid by Israel. This is also what our good American friend, President Biden, and his standby successor and representative of the Democratic extreme Left, believe, as they bury their heads in the sand and regard the Middle East crises as similar to all other solvable conflicts throughout the world.
They find it difficult to make 'peace' with the situation, which involves a very basic radical Moslem dogma which cannot be solved so long as one single Jew resides is the land which they regard as their own historic birthright. We, however, await the coming of Moshiach when the entire world will acknowledge the sovereignty of Hashem.
A Price for Everything
An Israeli cartoonist said to the media: "I sat together with several extreme Leftists and suggested a deal: All of the hostages will return and Netanyahu will continue his tenure for the next eight years! I hadn't finished my sentence when there was shouting from all sides: Absolutely not! These are people who vociferously demand a settlement at any cost. Apparently, this, too, has its price."