Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

19 Tammuz, 5784 - July 25, 2024 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Biden and Israel and a Look to the Future

by Yitzchok Roth


The Israeli relationship to Biden is mixed. On one hand, one cannot forget his conduct towards the newly elected Prime Minister of Israel, Netanyahu, when he refused to invite him to Washington for a meeting, as had been the accepted norm towards all newly voted-in prime ministers. Biden was angry at Netanyahu due to internal Israeli issues, mainly the judicial reform, as well as his address in the Congress towards the end of Obama's tenure. This anger led to the ban he declared upon Netanyahu.

On the other hand, on the very day that war broke out, Biden declared a totally positive stand alongside Israel, and his unequivocal warning to Iran that they remain out of this picture which was truly an unprecedented declaration in the relationship of the two nations. Many even go as far as to say that this saved Israel from a major catastrophe.

But then, there is also a third side, which is Biden's actions in the ensuing months when he sought to prevent the defeat of Hamas when he forced Israel to allow a stream of "humanitarian aid" of huge scope, much of which reached Hamas, enabling them to continue their control of the civilian population.

The alternate candidate, Kamala Harris, has far less obligation or empathy towards Israel. Her record includes harsh statements against Israel, concurrent, however, to her support of Israel's right for self-defense. If Biden declared himself as 'Zionistic', Harris is far from adopting this definition. She leans closer to Obama, one of the presidents hostile to Israel, much more than to her present 'boss'. And if she achieves the unbelievable of reaching the presidency, Netanyahu will yearn for Joe Biden. Some even go as far as to say that this includes Trump if he becomes president and is chosen for another term.

Either way, we know that the hearts of kings and ministers lie in the Hand of Hashem, without the need to re-acknowledge our full faith in Him. Historic reality has proven this time and again when even presidents hostile to Israel showed their support and offered their aid in times of need. Even during the term of Obama, of bad memory, the security ties between the two nations were cemented more than ever.

Some may attribute it to mutual interests and that Israel, from the American standpoint, is the last stronghold against the supremacy of fanatic Islam in the entire area. But even if this is true, in the end, decisions of various presidents did not always run parallel to these interests because when all is said and done, their hearts are not in their control when they reach the higher plateaus of power, be it Trump in his second round or Harris in her first.

Perhaps in the end, the Democrats will decide on a third candidate. We are not dependent upon them, only on our Father in Heaven.


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