Dei'ah Vedibur - Information & Insight

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9 Elul, 5784 - September 12, 2024 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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HaRav Aryeh Levi shlita Talks about Elul

by Rav A. Hakohen


"We now find ourselves in the second week of Elul," says HaRav Arye Levi, "and surely we wish to properly maximize these crucial elevated days. We must internalize the realization that Elul requires individual effort in connecting to Hashem.

I don't want to speak starkly, but if anyone here thinks that he can suffice with this or another talk as fulfilling his obligation, this is not 'Elul'. I do come to preach Mussar to you, my audience, or to the readership, but to tell you what to do. Many words of advice are said for reinforcement in one way of another, and this is very powerful, but we must not forget that it must be followed by incorporation of deeds by each of us individually. We must aim at transforming them into an integral part of us, which truly demands great effort and genuine willpower.

I want to expand on this: every sincere Torah student mobilizes himself during Elul according to his spiritual level. The very first thing upon awakening is to say 'Modeh Ani' and one must remind himself upon the restoration of his soul, that the 'Ani', is his personal one, representing his individual mission in life coupled with his innate gifts and talents. One can only begin to work upon himself after he acknowledges his unique abilities and capacities.

We see this during Elul. The first word of the acronym of Elul is contained in the verse, 'Ani Ledodi Vedodi Li.'

Here again we find the word 'Ani.' The prerequisite of work in Elul is awareness of his individual 'Ani', including his strengths, his gifts, and only thus can one experience the realization of 'Dodi Li,' his right to be attached to his loving Patron. This must be the initial condition in his avodas Hashem.

He must be genuine and not a 'carbon copy' of his environment or of anyone in it. It is fundamental prerequisite. This true composite realization obligates him to fulfill himself in a real way. And after all the suggestions and advice which are general, he must sit himself down and formulate a program of follow-up. He must reveal those points within him which need strengthening, and creating his tailor made program for improvement will be worth so much more.

The Rosh Yeshiva has been living in the Negev for over fifty years. For many years, especially in this past year, the thunder of missiles has sounded in Netivot. How must Elul 5784 look like in the background of this past year?

During this past year, we have seen in the flesh the danger which threatens the whole country. When we contemplate the events of this past year, we hear only one thing: Hashem is speaking to us. Awaken! The heart knows the bitterness of the soul. And thus, we are able to relate to purpose of Elul: to contemplate, search deeply, examine our spiritual level.

If we fully acknowledge that our only defense and protection is the merit of Torah study, it permeates a Torah scholar, it empowers him with the realization that so much depends on him, and when a person is fulfilling a mission, he cannot be lax.

We have the feeling that in these past months, we have experienced in the flesh those words of the 'Unesaneh Tokef' prayer: the whole reality of war and the difficult tragedies! We can surely not approach this Elul as in previous years. Hashem has been talking to us during this year and consequently, Elul demands a different approach than in previous years.


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