Scott Perry, representative in Congress, a Republican from Pennsylvania, presented critical questions to Anthony Blinken, U.S. Secretary of State, when he was required to testify in the House of Representatives.
He began by asking if there was a difference between the aid America was supplying to the Ukraine and the aid they supplied to Israel. Blinken replied that ostensibly, there was no difference and that both nations are friends of the U.S. Perry persisted, asking if when the U.S. sends arms to the Ukraine, it makes certain conditions, such as limiting its use in urban areas so as to lessen damage. Why must Israel present to the U.S. detailed plans where the arms will be used whereas no such conditions are made to the Ukrainians?
Blinken shilly-shallied by avoiding a direct answer and insisting that America was helping Israel exceedingly. Scott persisted: "I am not saying that the U.S. was not helping Israel, I am only studying the documents and reading the bare facts which indicate that the U.S. sends arms to the Ukraine without strings attached, enabling that country to use them as they see fit, but when it comes to Israel, that country must present plans in advance and abide by the conditions dictated by the American government. What is the difference between Israel and the Ukraine?"
Needless to note that the Secretary of State had no pat answers, but the answer is very clear: America does not have a pro-Russian lobby which goes out to demonstrate against the military actions against the Russians, and even if citizens fall victim, who in America cares at all about what goes on between those two mighty countries?
Biden, however, is concerned about the anti-Semitic lobby against Israel and duly demands certain prior conditions to giving the aid, critically examining sevenfold any discrepancy, with the threat of stopping all such aid if Israel veers from the American directives. Small but very significant differences...