Speaking at a Chanukah gathering, HaRav Lando said:
The main and most fundamental thing is that all ambition must revolve around Torah, to grow and to become more involved in learning. Torah should be interesting. If someone hears a good question from HaRav Akiva Eiger it should electrify him, and he should not just feel, "Ok I heard something." May Hashem help everyone to use his powers in the best way.
Along with this one has to know that the main thing in Torah is to know what is true. Even though innovation is a big thing, seeking the truth is more important.
We must know that nascho deRav Abba, with all the questions and answers, is literally the word of Hashem. [In learning that sugya] we learn dvar Hashem. As Maran HaRav Chaim of Volozhin said, that is the greatest pleasure. In all the generations they enjoyed it, and those who immersed themselves in learning and lived their learning as the highest value, truly grew into greatness.
I once heard a shiur from the Ponovezher Rov on gemora Zevochim on how you can have pigul in olas ha'of. When he said over the basic facts it was with such enthusiasm and liveliness, that it seemed superficially as if he were saying over a special chidush of the Or Somayach or something similar. That was how the roshei yeshiva that we knew lived their learning.
In yeshivas they teach yiras Shomayim and bein odom lechavero. You should know that one cannot grow without being big on bein odom lechavero. If one sees that a friend has said a chidush, and it seems correct, he should be truly happy with his friend.
Also a ben Torah should have self-respect and look like a ben Torah, because he is a prince of Creation, and he should look and behave the part.
May you grow and be happy in your lives in all respects.