The recent conference sponsored by Yated Neeman at which these results were announced
The chareidi public numbers today over 1,300,000 people, comprising 17% of the total Jewish population of Israel.
The forecast shows that in a decade, the chareidi population will number 1.83 million people forecasted to be 21% of the Jewish Israeli population.
68% of this sector (averaging men and women) work full time or part time.
98% of the members of this sector have a bank account.
About 40% of them have more than one account.
91% own a credit card, with 4 credit cards per household.
68% of chareidim own their apartment.
6% of them own more than one apartment.
49% of the youth aged 18 to 28 own an apartment.
85% of apartment owners have mortgages.
68% of them are still making payments on this mortgage.
One third of consumers of all baby products are chareidim.
72% of chareidim report that they follow a healthy diet.
75% of chareidim read chareidi newspapers.
76% of them read Yated Ne'eman especially on Tuesdays.