Parshas Tetzaveh, 5783
To our brethren, may they be well!
Greetings and Blessings.
The gemara teaches that the month of Adar is one of material success, and understandably, there is also Siyata deShmaya in spiritual things as well, since this is a time where the Attribute of Mercy reigns in Heaven. If so, everyone understands that it is most opportune to be involved in increased Torah study and increase one's yiras Shomayim and character building.
We have witnessed in these past years that this generation has begun celebrating Purim in the Torah-true fashion, by filling the shuls and yeshivos with Torah study, as should be practiced in all places. Truly, there is no allowance for being lax in Torah study during these days. On the contrary, these days are propitious for increased study and they are, in fact, geared for study through ahava, as was true in those very days of yore.
It is also noteworthy that these days were designated for increased brotherly love through the sending of mishloach manos to one another. Thus, one should assign special attention to increase good will between one another and not, G-d forbid, cause anguish to another person. Indeed, there were known incidents where people were not careful regarding the feelings of others and suffered severe punishments from it.
May it be the Divine will that in the merit of increased Torah study and exemplary conduct that in these auspicious days we, and all of our brethren, merit good tidings, salvations and comforts as did our ancestors during these days in those times.
(signed) Y. Gershon Edelstein