The Jerusalem Siyum
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The Kinyan Halochoh program of Dirshu is a multi-year program to prepare rabbonim to be poskim. It recently celebrated the completion of a cycle. Celebrations took place in Jerusalem as well as in London and New York.
The event in Binyanei Ha'Uma was launched by HaRav Yisroel Levitt, who honored HaRav Yitzchok Berkowitz, Rosh Yeshivas Aish HaTorah, with presenting the keynote address.
He dwelt on the exactitude of language in the Rambam which implies that a person's first education begins with his father — this is the primary education, since this is study for the sake of practice, which encompasses everything.
"After years during which, to a certain extent, there was a lapse in Torah with regards to Halochoh and there were times when students of Bais Yaakov knew Halochoh better, it can now be said that Rabbi Dovid Hofstadter reinstated the crown to its former glory by this enterprise. Thanks to it, people learn what to do and how a Jew is supposed to live."
There was palpable excitement and awe as the public received the elder of Jerusalem rabbonim, Moro d'Asro of Yerushalayim, HaRav Avigdor Nebenzal, to enhance the event with his appearance. He, too, expressed elevating thoughts in honor of Torah.
"You are the future of Klal Yisroel!" he exclaimed movingly, adding, "But you must bear in mind that alongside your toil in knowing the Halochoh, when you rule halachically, you must also employ your human sense. Torah does not change but reality does change, all the time, and you must always keep up with developments. The final ruling goes according to what is written, but also through employing one's good sense, or the Fifth Shulchan Oruch.
"We do not have another Torah, cholila, but one must adapt reality to it, which includes numerous changes, all the time and in every area. Our obligation is to understand in every situation what exactly is the will of the Creator."
He concluded his address with a blessing of nachas and siyata deShmaya to all those present, and the blessing that they merit to rule according to the precise halochoh.
The message conveyed by HaRav Shlomo Ganz, son of HaRav Yisroel Ganz and head of the Kinyan Halacha program, was heard with avid attention. He, too, honored the event with his attendance. He reviewed the curriculum of the different programs of Kinyan Halacha which are spread over a span of five-and-a-half years of studying the laws of Shabbos, Tahara, meat and milk, ta'arovess, sfeik sfeika, salting, and shmittah and yovel. Those doing the eleven year program which includes review of the first program, continue on to study and be tested on the laws of mikveh, interest, eiruvin, safrus, brochos and other subjects.