Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

17 Tammuz, 5783 - July 6, 2023 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Are They For or Against the Judges?

by Yitzchok Roth


Attorney Ariel Blustein, writes about the duplicity of the Netanyahu-haters. "The wild attack of the judges involved in Case 2000 exposes the unbelievable hypocrisy of that camp, 'Just not Bibi.' During a short period, actually only a few days altogether, this camp overturned itself. It shed its last remains of respect, exchanging them with burning hatred against the court, which only yesterday was presented by them as a glowing example of probity and as the last bastion of democracy.

"The apparent collapse of accusations against Netanyahu evokes the worst from his enemies.

Some of them are excusing the very presentation of charges in a chilling statement which no one expected from the accusations that he be examined through a judicial process. Others argue that the floor is warped, or in this case — that the judges are no good.

'Who needs judges if they fail to rule according to our will?' the Leftists bemoan in the studios and social media networks, pouring rivers of mud upon the three sitting in judgment who dare be a little objective and conduct the case and take testimonies into serious consideration — instead of simply sending Netanyahu to jail, or at least, to retirement, as the Left demands and expects from them.

"What is so pathetic in this scenario? The amazing agility of the turnabout. Up till now, the people of 'Just not Bibi' were accustomed to spout slogans in favor of the autonomous judicial system and praise its members. The judges appeared to them like knights defending justice, or at least that is what they said to us. This stand completely evaporated when the judges on Case 2000 freely expressed their view that the prosecution's case is not convincing.

"Suddenly, they stopped being the favorites of the Left and became the destroyers of democracy. Moshe Lador, former attorney general, defined the trend of the judges as 'a terrorist attack.' It is altogether clear that he was talking out of frustration, caused by his take that the judges were not fulfilling their job of serving up Netanyahu's head on a platter of a judicial ruling. It becomes apparent that his loyalty to the rule of justice was no more than an empty show.

"They hoped that the tool of justice would rescue them from the rule of the Right and the one who stood at its helm. So long as they had expectations of this, they praised this instrument. Now, however, when everyone realizes that this case will not budge Netanyahu from his scat, that instrument which did not deliver the expected results was cast to the dogs, in every meaning of the simile.

"One need not be a prophet to realize that their wrath against the judges will only increase, as will the tones. If a statement of theirs did not obligate them regarding the lack of hope for indicting Netanyahu on the charge of bribery, it dragged in its wake a wave of detestable and unprecedented attacks — what will be said when he is exonerated of the charges?"


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