The dais in the Vishnitz Succah: The Rebbe is speaking

A mighty and glorious event of Kiddush Hashem organized in honor of the thousands of 'Shmittah heroes' took place in Bnei Brak at the height of Succos, participated by the Bnei Brak populace numbering thousands of Torah-true Jews of a scope which has not been seen for a long time, headed by a full roster of Torah leaders of the highest caliber.
This major event signaled the conclusion of the Shmittah year as observed with full devotion in numbers not witnessed in Eretz Yisroel throughout the long exile. This year, for the first time, most of the land in Jewish hands throughout the country, including vineyards, hothouses, fields and orchards was sanctified in an incredible range, despite all the temptations and enticements, declaring to one and all that "the land and its fullness belongs to Hashem"!
This year, thanks to the blessed increase of Shmittah observers who were urged to leave their lands fallow, a result of the tremendous efforts on the part of the emissaries of our Torah leaders working for Keren Hashevi'is, it was decided to hold a massive and historic honorary event to solidify the ranks of Jewry and allow the multitudes to accord honor and homage to those thousands of heroic farmers.
This festive and grand event took place on Wednesday, the second day of Chol Hamoed Succos, with the gathering of thousands of farmers and their families from the north to Gaza, from the fields of Etzba HaGalil to Northern Negev, from the fields of Mechola to the mountains of Naftali who all converged to the BCR compound in Northern Bnei Brak where they were greeted and hailed by the heads of the Keren Hashevi'is Fund.
They went forth together to participate in the welcoming festivity which was held in the huge succa of the Vishnitz Beis Medrash. There, around laden tables, the Shmittah farmers encountered one another in a very moving gathering where they saw how many compatriots had shared the year long experience, each in his own way, including the many trials and difficulties, be they involving field produce, orchards or vineyards left fallow — supported and encouraged only by the Keren Hashevi'is representatives. Indeed, it was a long experience accompanied by heavy losses but determined personal dedication and strength to persevere until normality be re-achieved.
A shmittah-observant farmer blessing a yeshiva bochur

Bnei Brak Mayor Avrohom Rubinstein cordially welcomed these farmers with a very emotional declaration: "To the Chazon Ish, our great rabbi: See the fruits of your toil. Your Torah teachings emanated from Bnei Brak, and thanks to your toil, all of Eretz Yisrael observed this mitzvah. Fortunate and blessed is Bnei Brak which, thanks to you, was able to greatly sanctify Hashem's Name in a massive show of Kiddush Shomayim."