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24 Tammuz, 5783 - July 13, 2023 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Free to Express Hatred?

by Yitzchok Roth


The Swedish court demonstrates to one and all the existing absurdity in human law, showing to what depths mankind can plummet. Not that we need examples, but sometimes things reach ridiculous dimensions to the point of inanity where even the knights of democracy are forced to admit that matters have completely gone out of hand.

A Swedish citizen presented an appeal to the court demanding permission to burn the Koran near a mosque filled with Moslems, on the grounds that this fell into the category of freedom of expression. Any basic human consideration realizes that such an appeal should be utterly dismissed. With all due respect to freedom of speech — and this value is one that deserves not so much respect — any blow to human sentiment, especially to the sensitivity of millions of people, supersedes this value.

Freedom of speech is only one value, alongside which stand many other values, no less vital, that must also be quantified.

Think for a moment if an independent court had existed in Nazi Germany where an appeal was presented to cease the disgusting propaganda of Der Sturmer, the mouthpiece of the Nazi party. The court would certainly rule that presenting Jews as rats or cockroaches which must be exterminated fall under the category of freedom of speech.

Would then, too, the Swedish judges believe that everything goes for the sake of this value? Would the burning of sifrei Torah, which millions regard as the prime value in their eyes, be also permitted as falling in the category of freedom of expression?

Yet, thus, a situation arises where, in the very midst of a Moslem festival, a demonstrator is allowed to stand by a mosque in Stockholm, surrounded by Swedish police, and ceremoniously burn the Koran while shouting degrading phrases on a megaphone.

In a civilized country, such a person should be thrown behind bars for a crime called fomenting hatred. But anti-Semitic Sweden permitted this demonstrator to do this.

And from here, short is the path for other demonstrators to seek to burn the holy books of Christianity and, lehavdil, also destroy a sefer Torah, G-d forbid, which is what the Nazis did wherever they came. All this would be granted as a legal right by this murderous country which regards itself as a civilized nation.

Whoever thinks that this will stop in a Scandinavian country, is not familiar with the dynamics of the modern legal system, where a scourge of this kind can spread to other countries when their judicial systems seek to prove that they are no less enlightened than their Swedish counterpart.

When a value code is created by man, one can reach the depths of depravity, where Sweden is one extreme point in case — for the time being, of course, since every abyss has a deeper one yet.


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