Torah study has always been wholesome and pure with no vestige of outside elements.
Our Torah leaders sacrificed their lives for this and fought the holy battle against all programs attempting to inject other studies of any kind within the walls of our holy yeshivos.
Lately, we have heard of a body intending to establish an institution in Beit Shemesh, presuming to call itself a yeshiva gedolah, which will include secular studies together with the limudei kodesh.
It is our duty to warn against this with a trumpet call and rouse those Torah-true Jews everywhere not to dare send their sons or students to such a place. We must reach out to support such Jews in every possible way.
Fortunate are those who are able to uproot this plague and nip it in the bud so that the vineyard of Israel remain true and loyal to Hashem and His Torah, free of all types of this impure culture, remaining entirely holy through pure Torah study, observing its mitzvos, and treading its path.
22 Tammuz 5783
(signed) Dov Lando.
Also signed by Rabbi Meir Zvi Bergman, Rabbi Boruch Dov Povarski, Rabbi Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Rabbi Yitzchok Zilberstein and Rabbi Zvi Drabkin.