Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

26 Sivan, 5783 - June 15, 2023 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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It is Anarchy, not Democracy

by Yitzchok Roth


The anarchistic gang of the Left have crossed all boundaries. If this was a normal country with a rule of law and order, a decent police force and a legal advocacy, quite a few of them would already behind bars. It is absurd that elected public officials are unable to circulate freely without being physically attacked by members of that gang. It is incredulous that they cannot arrive in public places to speak their piece without being brutally attacked with abuse taken from the lowest gutters of Jew haters of all time.

Minister Yisrael Katz, who participated in a gathering commemorating 100 years since electricity was first installed in Tel Aviv, was confronted by such a group of hooligans which shouted defaming slurs at him which we will not stoop so low as to repeat. They also spit at him. Special forces had to be employed to protect the minister and rescue him before the demonstrators actually laid hands on him.

This joins a similar attack experienced by MK Simcha Rothman, and of Minister Barkat, whose bodyguards truly saved him from actual physical blows.

This is not protest; it is not democracy. This is total anarchy when a helpless police allows such a gang to run amok. One minute — we wish to apologize to the police.

This past Monday, these selfsame anarchists swarmed in front of the home of Minister Barkat, hurling shameful slurs. Suddenly a passerby threw an egg at the demonstrators and he was immediately seized by the police and taken for interrogation. Oh, yes, the police can be very agile and efficient in such cases where no one has been arrested for attempted brutal attacks.

In the name of the so-called democracy which is flaunted by these anarchists, they pursue ministers and public figures whose views differ from theirs, attempting to prevent them from speaking at public forums to which they were invited.

Until recently, this was a familiar phenomenon abroad. Anti-Semitic groups, mainly in universities, repeatedly prevent Israeli public representatives from public speaking. Even in enlightened democratic areas, supporters of Israel are prevented from expressing the Israeli side of the story, and, often as not, the local police have to rescue the speakers before being lynched by the anti-Semites.

Israeli government and Knesset representatives are pursued and persecuted everywhere and prevented from speaking their views. Their families are threatened — without anyone making a peep of protest.

The government judicial advisor (attorney general) is occupied with torpedoing government plans, and has no time to direct the police to brake this abusive gang, to say nothing about the 'enlightened' camp, Heads of the Opposition are surely rubbing their hands in glee, hoping that these protests will break the Coalition. They do not understand that the more they continue such harassment, the stronger will become the victimized camp and the government.


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