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14 Ellul, 5783 - August 31, 2023 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Stories about Elul

by R. Re'em

The Rov of Brisk

HaRav Meir Halevi Soloveitchik zt"l: I once accompanied my father, HaRav Yosef Zev, on a short walk. In the middle, Abba sat down and said: "When I remind myself that the Yom Hadin will be upon us in a few weeks, I begin trembling. I don't deserve a thing and my soul quakes from the dread of the imminent judgment."

One day during Elul, the Brisker Rov was taking his daily walk in Bayit Vegan together with the Admor of Strikov when he was accosted by a Yerushalmi Jew who asked after his health.

The Brisker answered, "We have to do teshuva,"

"Tshuva?" said the Jew. "Does the Brisker Rov have to do teshuva?"

The Rov was taken aback at these words. His expression suddenly changed drastically and for a long time, he was unable to utter a word. He finally he turned to his companion and asked in shock, "Did you hear what he asked?"


When a Jew came to him towards the end of Elul and spoke about a relative who was scheduled to undergo a dangerous operation, the Rov reassured him, saying, "Rosh Hashonoh will soon be upon us and the decree will be written anew. One will be able to affect the present judgment to a more favorable one."


It was before the Six Day War when many citizens were drafted and fear gripped the entire country. The Mashgiach HaRav Yechezkel then said, "It seems to be that one must be deeply concerned about our situation, as frightened as we are before the Yomim Noraim."


In Elul, his grandson, HaRav Ginsburg, relates that he refrained from writing letters but on the morning after Yom Kippur when all was already calmer, he asked that all the correspondence be brought and he sat down to reply to each letter. In his daily conduct [in Elul], however, one did not see a change.


National elections were once scheduled to take place in Elul. Representatives came to him saying that a large rally would be taking place in Tel Aviv and asked if the yeshiva students would be permitted to attend. His initial reaction was that he couldn't believe his ears. He gave a talk right afterwards and declared that any student who attended that rally would no longer have a place in the beis medrash. Then he shouted, "They are destroying Elul!"

Upon another occasion in Elul, there were elections in Beer Sheva and some students went there to help. He was greatly disturbed and declared incredulously and heatedly, "To destroy the yeshiva in Elul because of elections in Beer Sheva?!"

Rosh Chodesh Elul 5703. The student body of Yeshivas Mir in Shanghai moved into the quarters of the Ohel Moshe synagogue in the ghetto. All of the identity documents of the group were seized and the members felt disquiet, partly because while the shul was in the ghetto, the place where they ate was outside it.

On the first day of Rosh Chodesh, the Mashgiach R' Yechezkel ascended the bimah and made an announcement. All were certain that it would relate to the physical aspects of their lives and that he would try to uplift their spirits. But, no. He raised his voice and declared, "A voice calls out and says: What shall I cry out? Elul!"


Thirty years passed, relates HaRav Shalom Tzvi Shapira, one of the foremost products of Mir: Every year, when Elul comes around, it seems as if the ringing voice of the Mashgiach again demands of us: Elul!

The atmosphere in his proximity in Elul was solemn, somber and noble, tells HaRav Shlomo Chaim Genauer, the Mashgiach of Meor HaTalmud. "Everyone felt that these days were the focus of the entire year, first, because of his personal figure impacting on us and with the talks he delivered four times a week during these Days of Mercy where the emphasis was upon the kingdom of Hashem as a preparation for the 'Malchuyos" prayers of Rosh Hashonoh.

During this period he was very vigilant about the breaks in study and prayer, stressing the importance of utilizing the most of every moment. HaRav Genauer assures us that no one would dare of making a wedding during Elul.

In those days before air conditioning, there weren't even fans in the beis medrash and the Elul heat was heavy. And yet, it did not interfere with the self-work of that period. The beis medrash was packed throughout since no one dreamed of going off to a different shul because of the heat.

Entering the beis medrash before the shofar blowing, one could deeply sense the extreme awe and fear on his face and yet, when he went outside to wash the hands of the kohanim, his expression turned to one of joy.

Rabbeinu HaRav Shach once said that he had never seen anyone as joyful as the Mashgiach. Still, one who didn't know the Mashgiach, saw only a very serious person, which was certainly his essence, but he also harbored an intense inner joy.

In his mussar talks in Elul, the Mashgiach always spoke about preparation for the Day of Judgment, so that one not find oneself suddenly confused and emotionally disorganized. One should realize that it is not so simple to experience Rosh Hashonoh and emerge acquitted in the judgment.

True, Chazal tell us to prepare ourselves by cutting our hair etc. and being confident in being meted a good judgment. However, we cannot help seeing people who do not make the necessary preparations and are still self assured of emerging victorious. "They truly believe that they will experience a miracle."


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