HaRav Edelsteing speaking at the recent Lev L'Achim kenes

HaRav Edelstein wrote:
Members of the Ongoing Committee of The Conference of European Rabbis" convening in Warsaw, headed by HaRav Goldschmidt; HaRav Gali and HaRav Lebel with the greeting of Shalom and Blessing.
At this time, when the nations of the world are contesting against one another, we need exceeding Heavenly mercy, for the hatred of the nations against Israeli is universal, and even in the midst of our people, there are those who seek to uproot all that is sacred, even our very religious character.
Our way of protecting ourselves is through delving in Torah. The "Nefesh HaChaim" wrote that the Torah is a Tree of Life, literally. When a person is about to drown and can latch on to a wooden plank floating on the surface of the water, he can save himself. So, too, with Torah. When a person studies Torah and cleaves unto Hashem and lives a life of Olam Haba [in this world], but if he severs himself for even a moment, he is separating himself from the lifeline, the Tree of Life, and remains without life.
Therefore, the rabbonim must set themselves apart from issues of government but stand vigil for Halocha and matters that involve their community while primarily promoting Torah study. They must exert their influence that the public studies Torah and participates in shiurim, increasing the seats in their shuls and batei medrash. They must establish more places of Torah study and kollelim to have an impact on the community because the crux of safety and rescue for the Jewish people at all times is being involved in Torah study, which is our life and the length of our days.
Torah is the very existence of the world and of Klal Yisroel, and also the safety of Jewish communities wherever they may be. This is the very answer to all of our troubles. The more we increase Torah study in our midst, the more we will merit Siyata deShmaya to be spared suffering. May it be the Heavenly will that in the merit of Torah we will see the Geula Sheleima, speedily and in our days, Amen.
HaRav Edelsteing speaking at the recent Lev L'Achim kenes

HaRav Dov Lando joined this message with the words he added:
In addition to the words of the Rosh Yeshiva which do not need fortification, I wish to express the heartfelt wish of many distinguished Jews.
The job of rabbonim is to administer, supervise and guide, regarding all religious matters in all of their aspects. This entails tremendous responsibility, requiring tremendous effort in order to succeed. This applies as well to seeking solutions for the difficult problems which present themselves and applying them as well.
Everyone who is even loosely acquainted with the world of the rabbinate knows how much is involved here, leaving no space for other matters.
Subsequently, it is so important and imperative for the rabbonim not to express opinions, thoughts and directions about what takes place outside their realm of the rabbinate. Not only is this not positive but on the contrary, therein lies the chance of possible dissension and division, and sliding to areas which can be harmful, knowingly or innocently.
Therefore, honored rabbonim, I plead with you, to involve yourselves only with matters concerning the jurisdiction of the rabbonus, in all of its parts and paragraphs, and not to be sidetracked to issue that are not of your concern. May the Protector of Yisroel protect His people from all kinds of dangers and pitfalls, and may each one walk the path of Torah as through all past times.
The first of Iyar, Erev Shabbos Kodesh, Parshas Tazria-Metzora, 5783.
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