Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

3 Tammuz, 5783 - June 22, 2023 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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The Roots of the Leftist Demonstrations

by Mordecai Lebel


The activities of the Leftists demonstrators began about half a year ago even before the judicial reform was first presented. "The judicial revolution," as they call it, which was intended to reorganize the relations between the local authorities and the government while simultaneously weakening the exaggerated clout of judicial authority which it assumed upon itself over the past thirty years.

But what began at first as organized protests in front of the Knesset, spilled over gradually to blockading central traffic arteries and soon after, to the present state of affairs where concentrations smacking of violence are a common sight.

It all began, according to the amazing testimony of Gilad Sher, "Already on the 14th of December, 2022, when there was no active government yet at the time, and long before Yariv Levine's famous speech. The committee included four figures at this stage: "Myself; the former Chief of Staff Dan Chalutz; former director of the Prime Minister's office, Yossi Kochizk and businessman Orni Petrushka. Others later joined us: the past deputy government legal advisor, Dina Zilber; former head of Military Intelligence, Amos Malka, and logistic expert Yehuda Adar. We took Eren Schwartz as director.

"At first, we hoped to raise a few million so as to enable us to set up a sort of resistance to the benighted government, having understood that the Opposition had no real effectiveness. But we were very surprised to see that there was a significant rallying of various divergent organizations from their side, some of them sectorial like the hi-tech headquarters; the 'Black Gowns' coming from the ranks of judicial system; women's organizations; 'Brothers in Arms' (reservists); airplane pilots and veterans of previous protest groups at Balfour, the prime minister's residence in Jerusalem, and even mental health experts."

It should be noted that Gilad Sher could not control himself from a spontaneous chuckle when it struck him how absurd was this potpourri of groups that was not at all connected to the judicial system.

"We soon found ourselves in a strange operation which included financing, logistics, and authority, from stages to sweatshirts — judicial accompaniment and representation. Since then, we are working accordingly all the time," Sher describes.

"We are meeting, brainstorming and deciding. We are not dictating what is actually carrying on. No one adjusts himself according to orders from higher up but they are simply supplying the infrastructure of the battle and attempting to guide it while concentrating and focusing on the protest activities against the dictatorship in the State of Israel."

As for the success of the protest, from Sher's words it appears that there are some two hundred and ten organizations, groups and amalgamations active to date in over one hundred and fifty geographic locations throughout the country, from north to south and east to west. It also appears that there is one very big, sophisticated and central logistic headquarters in a secret location which is accessible only to key activists who come to take a variety of products and gimmicks which were ordered for various protests activities.


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