Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

6 Iyar, 5783 - April 27, 2023 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Is Israel Disintegrating?

by Yitzchok Roth


This is how a country looks when it is crumbling. The weak stitching which united its parts is coming apart and Israeli society is on the verge of total collapse.

Some are surprised at the situation which has evolved while others ask why it didn't happen earlier. How was a society torn apart and divided, able to preserve some sort of accord for so many years?

Three days a year were supposed to have been above all controversy: the Holocaust Memorial Day, the Memorial Day for Fallen Soldiers and Victims of Terror, and, of course, the Israeli Day of Independence. During these three days, consensus was expected to reign in the country and should have been beyond all dissension. To be sure, we are not relating to the chareidi position for reasons understood, but the general Israeli public regarded these days as the unifying element between all of the various sectors of the population: between Coalition and Opposition, Right and Left, the more or the lesser traditional-religious elements of the people and those distant from Judaism.

All this was true up to the moment when it appeared that one camp within the nation (the Left) was being outed of its control over the country. Admittedly, during these past decades, the Rightist majority ruled, but all knew that it was not really in control. What dictated the day-by-day control of things was the judicial system — one-sided, biased, which did not really allow the Right to carry out its idealistic program.

The country voted Right and got Left, time after time. The country wanted religion and got secularism. The democratic majority voted in one direction and ended up with affairs on the opposite one. And thus was a 'balance' maintained between the rule of the Right and the rule of the Left, that lopsided, distorted balance which enabled the Leftist camp to end up appropriating the victory which the Right had justly earned.

This was until a government of the "full Right" came into power and finally sought to realize the ideology which the majority of the people had chosen: to actualize the mandate which it had received from the predominant weight of the voters and to wrest control from the unelected totalitarian body which had assumed for itself overall authority, contrary to law, without any legal coverage or legitimacy. Without any precedent in the whole world.

And that's when everything collapsed. The so-called equilibrium turned out to be a farce of democracy. The minority decided that it would not allow the majority to control the country, but would let the building implode upon its inhabitants. Gone are the 'sanctified' days. Gone are the joint values. If the rule is taken from the Left, there is no longer reason to support the existence of the State of Israel.


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