Cartoon showing Lieberman wheeling the Chareidi community to the garbage, as he said he would
The joint meeting of Torah Jewry and Shas, two parties representing the Jewish people vs. the Israeli population, jointly decided to establish a united front in the public struggle against the 'Hellenistic occupation' of the pernicious government and to upgrade the battle one level higher. The Knesset representatives clarified that this is not a chareidi fight per se or even a religious fight, but a war concerning the entire traditional public throughout the country. It is a battle of the Greeks, Hellenists and assimilationists versus Jewry. The Liberal terrorist hatred towards it is unlimited, and its goal is to trample and crush everything.
Two nations have been at loggerheads for the longest time on this holy ground: the Jewish nation and the secular Israeli one. The Israeli nation is 73 years old; the Jewish one dates back three thousand years. The State of Israel belongs to the Israeli people, while Eretz Yisroel belongs to the Jewish people by virtue of a Divine promise.
The sovereignty of the Israeli public is the Israeli government, while the sovereignty of the Jewish people is the Sovereign of the world, Ribono shel Olam. De facto or de jure. By fact and by law.
Both the chareidi and the traditional Jew carries in his pocket two identification passports: one of a Jew and one of an Israeli. And that's the situation, so long as we are not forced to choose. If we be coerced to choose either-or instead of both, the choice will be clear. We made it when we stood at the foothill of Mt. Sinai and declared, "Naase venishma." This declaration obligates us and all that it encompasses.
Eretz Yisrael has known of many conquerors of different nations: Greeks, Romans, Assyrians, Babylonians, Turks and Britons. And now we find ourselves under the rule of an eirev rav government, the Greeks and Hellenists of our generation, some of which represent the ignorami and others, the spiritual fiends. These have banded together in order to uproot Judaism from the Jewish people, not only through reforms in Kashrus and conversion through the evil clique of Kahana-Malinevsky which seeks to convert this land into a country of multi-citizens. It is not only the Kosel area where foreign shoots seek to destroy the ruined Mikdosh and plop a dunce cap atop the most sacred site in the whole world. Had such an act taken place anywhere else in the world, it would have cause tsunami shock waves everywhere.