Scene from Dirshu convention in 2019
Unprecedented requests of such magnitude surprised even the organizers and heads of Dirshu: the registration for the upcoming 26th annual Dirshu convention in the U.S. which gathers around it thousands of Dirshu participants who come to hear, learn and teach, to fortify and be fortified under the umbrella of the biggest Torah organization in the world which aims to broaden Torah knowledge and sanctify Hashem's Name in the world.
On Thursday, the 30th of Adar I, the grand siyum of the second cycle of the Daf Yomi beHalacha, tens of thousands of the elite sons of Klal Yisroel in the U.S. who have completed the study cycle of Daf Yomi beHalacha with converge to celebrate the rejoicing of Torah and commemorate their completion of the second cycle of the study program which has spread throughout the Diaspora, together with the completion of Seder Mo'ed of the Talmud Bavli Daf Yomi program.
Rabbi D Hofstedter speaking at the Dirshu convention in 2019
The Siyum will be take place with tens of thousands participants, headed by the Torah leaders who will discuss the importance of fortifying Torah study within the Jewish people. The event will be graced with musical accompaniment performing new songs written for the event, for the public completing and beginning the new cycle of study of Mishnah Berurah.
The annual World Dirshu Convention will take place on Shabbos Parshas Pekudei, constituting an uninterrupted study cycle of over two decades (except last year, because of the Corona pandemic). This convention attracts the cream of Torah-true Jewry in all of North America which comes to bask in the uplifting atmosphere of Torah leaders and roshei yeshiva.