The Rosh Yeshiva giving his shiur

At the conclusion of the shiur clali in the yeshiva, the Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Gershon Edelstein shlita added words of reinforcement and arousal regarding our obligation at this time preceding Chanukah:
"What is Chanukah? There were decrees to 'make them forget Your Torah.' Then there was the miracle of the victory against the Greeks so that they could again study Torah. Namely, that on Chanukah, Heaven directed assistance, chessed, so that they could [again] devote themselves to Torah.
"It is known that this selfsame heavenly influence repeats itself each year at the same time. This also applies to Pesach, which is the season of our liberation. Why do we say each that time that now, on Pesach, we also experience the time of liberation?
"This is explained by understanding the meaning of liberation. It is a spiritual liberation, as Chazal said, that [only] one who is occupied with Torah can experience true liberty. The Jews were plunged into the 49 gates of impurity but they left Egypt to a spiritual salvation. This happens on Pesach, on the morrow of the korbon Pesach. This became a season of redemption for all time, every year, for each time the effect and influence renews itself as a spiritual revival.
"The same applies to all of the sholosh regalim: Shavuos is the time of the giving of the Torah, each year, when the stimulus of Torah repeats itself at that season. Similarly, Succos is the time of our rejoicing, which repeats itself due to the heavenly impetus of joy of the mitzvah.
"If so, Chanukah, when we experienced a miracle of the victory over the Greeks and the Jews were again enabled to study Torah freely, this is also the season of the influence of Torah. This is why, for many years already, it has been instituted in yeshivos that the talmidim not return home for Shabbos Chanukah. Instead, they go home for either the Shabbos before or after. The days of Chanukah are, indeed, days relegated to Torah study.
"And truly, this also provides merit for success in Torah study all year round, if one utilizes [this festival] properly. B'ezras Hashem, may we also merit Siyata deShmaya to toil in Torah throughout Chanukah, including on Shabbos, so that we enjoy success in Torah study all year round."