Upon their arrival, participants in the traditional opening of Yarchei Kalla went to visit the home of the Rosh Yeshiva to receive his blessings and hear his fortifying words for their coming week in which they will steep themselves in the Torah atmosphere, severing themselves from their worldly pursuits. This annual experience enriches them through hearing shiurim on various subjects including Halacha and Mussar talks from eminent rabbonim and roshei yeshiva.
The Rosh Yeshiva said to them, speaking from the depths of his heart:
"We must pray for all of Klal Yisroel. Love your neighbor as yourself, and have pity on the unfortunate ones who do not know, for they are unintentionally ignorant. And when we say in Shemoneh Esrei 'Hashivenu leSoroseicha,' we should intend that Heaven have pity on all of Jewry, that they repent. If a large public were to pray thus for our people, this would bring about the salvation; those prayers would be effective and we would be spared harsh decrees, for the power of public prayer is very great, as is written, 'For the A-mighty One will not repulse...'. With Hashem's help, Heaven will have compassion upon Klal Yisroel that we merit 'You will be fortunate in this world.'
The visit in the Rosh Yeshiva's home was opened by a message from HaRav Shraga Shteinman, and after asking permission from the Rosh Yeshiva, he mentioned the words of his father, the late Rosh Yeshiva, HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman, noting that the heads of Agudath Israel were moved to found this project in its present format.
In the 14th Yarchei Kalla of Agudath Israel, he said: "Even the small amount of Torah studied is a salvation for the world. May Hashem help that all those who came here merit — they and their families — to improve the world. The more they increase their Torah study and piety, the greater protection there will be for the world that it will not be destroyed. Their coming here is most exalted."
He added that "now we see tangibly that the world is shaking and unstable, so surely, one must increase Torah study and yiras Shomayim. May it be the Divine will that all the participants merit everything good, and that all of Jewry merit to fill the earth with knowledge of Hashem, like water filling the ocean, and that the entire Creation fulfill its ultimate purpose and rectification."
Afterwards, the entire group went to the Ozorov beis medrash to hear a shiur on the topic studied this year, "the reading of the Torah and the Haftorah" delivered by HaRav Dov Lando, who also reinforced them, stressing the importance of their study at all times, especially during these days when it was imperative to increase Torah study which protects and saves. Other words of encouragement were delivered by the Admor of Ozorov.