The Dirshu Rabbonim
On Erev Shabbos Parshas Yisro, the old Shnipishuk cemetery of Vilna is still wallowing in its shame. For many years the voice of our brethren's bones shouted out to us from the earth, with no salvation in sight. Our Torah leadership from the whole world, rabbinical and Talmudic alike, has waged a determined battle against the ongoing plans of turning the existing stadium whose foundations are laid upon graves, into an additional concert hall, with the construction proceeding in their violation and desecration.
For a very brief but significant moment, the sacred remains gained support from the delegation of rabbonim in Europe for the Dirshu Halochoh siyum which visited the interred ones and said to them: "We have not forgotten you. We will do everything in our power in order to prevent the desecration of your memory. We will not allow the continuation of the violation of the cemetery. Rest you in eternal peace."
The Lithuanian Prime Minister, Ingrida Simonytte, has been driving a concerted adjustment of the Lithuanian attitude regarding the Jewish nation, and is actively involved in preventing desecration of the Jewish cemetery in Shnipishuk. She has been hailed for it by many warm letters from Jewish leaders.
In a media interview, she clearly stated that the site belongs to Jews. She also declared that under no circumstances will it serve business purposes as was planned by local real estate bodies. The municipality, which enjoys autonomy in this area and has had a policy differing from the government's newer one, capitulated. But despite all the good intentions, the threat has not yet passed, as was made evident in a media interview which she gave on the International Holocaust Day.