The Am Echad organization of Agudath Israel of America is running a campaign to support the chareidi community of Israel in this time of pressure. They are encouraging people to sign their petition to stand up for Torah values there.
Their appeal is as follows:
Dear Friend,
Almost 90,000 people have stood up for Kedushas HaKosel!!!
Am Echad's One Kotel Campaign was started to give "Diaspora Jews" a mechanism to tell the Israel government that we do not want the Kotel divided. And it is being noticed.
The Reform and Conservative haven't given up yet. They are determined as ever to press forward with the Kotel Compromise, threatening to divide our Kosel and jeopardize its sanctity.
And remember — it's not just the Kosel. This is step one in an effort to reform Torah standards in Eretz Yisrael as a whole.
The Reform have made their intentions clear: they are after our standards of kashrus, geirus, marriage, and chinuch.
We need YOU to join us in Saying No!
Tell Prime Minister Bennett and the Knesset that we "Diaspora Jews" do NOT want a divided Kosel — or a change in Geirus, Kashrus, or Shabbos.
Sign the petition. Sign up all your immediate family members. It's simple and easy to do.
Your signatures tell the Knesset that Am Echad is not "just another group of political advocates". We're individual Jews from the Diaspora who care deeply about the Kosel and Kvod Shamayim.
Click here
to sign the petition.