You Caused Me to Harm My Chosen Ones
by Rav Gershon Twerski
The mysterious virus which attacked the yeshivas in numbers, as well as the wave of Corona with all of its mutations which continues to bang on our doors side by side with other bitter events of stabbing and terrorist attacks, whose victims include precious yeshiva students -= all of these constitute a reality reminding us of the posuk, "From outside does the sword slay, and from the inside, terror, both youth, young girl, suckling and aged ones." Rashi explains that the sword from outside is that of soldiers, while the dread from within is from a plague. Does this not perfectly mirror our situation today?
Rashi adds, quoting Chazal, "From without - [a punishment] for sins committed in public, and from within, sins committed privately." To be correct according to syntax, it should have stated either "michutz" and "meichadarim" or "bachutz" and "bachadorim." The fact that it stated "meichadarim" denotes that that was the prime cause of the curse.
The Maggid, R' Ben Zion Yadler, dwelled on the interpretation that it referred to Torah students, while on the phrase "suckling and aged ones," the suckling refers to a student by his teacher. Regarding the elderly — ish seiva — he says it can be read as ish yeshiva. We have here three categories: the youth, the suckling and the yeshiva student. The Midrash says that anyone was apt to be studying in a yeshiva, as is written that "all were mighty warriors" which refers to men mighty in the war of Torah by give-and-take arguments in the battle of Torah. So we see here the stress on yeshiva students.
The accusation, continues the Maggid, is against the yeshiva students themselves who are more precious than gold, but as Chazal said, "both youth — you caused Me to raise My hand against My youth." And he says, "We see the realization of the warning that when yeshiva students are attacked, it behooves us to examine our deeds and strengthen the importance of the Torah study of young men and to surround them with protective shields as protection against any harm, physical or spiritual, for if not, then `you caused Me to strike against My youth.' "
Indeed, if we see, to our chagrin, how lately we experience the Measure of Justice applied to our yeshiva students, we must regard it as a warning to stand on guard against all the trials and dangers aimed at yeshiva students, G-d forbid.