Tens of thousands of bnei Torah rallied under the sponsorship and attendance of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, and members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, roshei yeshivos and rabbonim from places throughout the country for a historic event organized by, "The Bnei Yeshivos in Eretz Hakodesh Event" which took place this past Sunday evening in the Arena Stadium in Yerushalayim.
This historic occasion ushered in the beginning of the winter session program for bnei Torah of studying the laws of shmittah for tens of thousands bnei yeshiva in the yeshiva halls and various communities, per the direction of HaRav Chaim Kanievsky. He issued a special letter before Rosh Hashanah of last year, which was reissued this year, stating: "Each individual shall see to fortify himself in Torah study and avoiding laxity, and during the shmittah year, one should establish a daily study of the relevant laws, namely, covering two laws each day, whereby he will be spared from all adversities."
Many rabbonim attended as did thousands of bnei Torah. Special messages were prepared by Maran Sar HaTorah as well as by Maran Rosh Hayeshiva of guidance and chizuk for the upcoming long winter leap-year zman.
The message of Maran Sar HaTorah for the Upcoming Yeshiva Zman.
The message of Maran Rosh Hayeshiva for the Coming Zman.