by Y Schwartz
A peaceful scene in Jenin, home of many terrorists
Israeli Army Commander General Aviv Cochavi said on Monday that the combined security forces — army, police and intelligence — working in the framework of an accelerated effort in light of recent attacks and the beginning of the Islamic month of Ramadan, had, bechasdei Shomayim, stopped at least ten terrible terrorist attacks in progress.
A day later officials said that at least five further attacks were foiled. Cochavi said, "This is the army's major task at the moment. We will operate everywhere, as necessary, using all methods available, to stop the terror."
The Islamic holiday month of Ramadan this year is the same as Nisan. It will remain thus until the next leap Hebrew year.
The operational commander of the police Segal Bar Tzvi, said at a press conference, "We have cancelled almost all training. We are bolstering our presence in the field with officers who usually work in offices."
The successful suppression of so many attacks, it is hoped, will dampen the current wave of terror that we experienced last week with three attacks. Some of the successes of the security forces were reported in the press, such as the firefight near Jenin that resulted in injuries for the Israeli soldiers, but most pass quietly.
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