At the opening session of Yeshivas Nachalas Binyamin, over which he presides, the Rosh yeshiva delivered a talk aimed at the students in particular, and at this entire generation as well, saying, "It is known that a yeshiva sanctifies its neighborhood and has an impact upon its entire locality. A yeshiva radiates holiness, yiras Shomayim, love for Torah. and inculcates good characteristics.
"It is told of a yeshiva located in a settlement. The Rosh Yeshiva decided to move it to a different place but died suddenly. To relocate a yeshiva from a place which did not possess any other yeshiva is to remove holiness from that place.
"This is why all those involved in Torah dissemination, who exert an influence of yiras Shomayim and good middos, enjoy great merit. It is written in "Chovos Halevovos" (Shaar "Ahavas Hashem" 86) that all the good deeds which are performed belong to the one who exerts this beneficial impact; what he does and what his offspring do to the end of all time, belong to the original person.
"Those who are influenced themselves thereby through Torah study, become bonded to holiness, since Torah sanctifies a person. The moment one ceases to study, if it is to rest and recoup his strength in order to continue studying, this rest is considered as if he had continued studying during that time, and there are many proofs to this. But if he rests for his own sake, this is considered a disruption of the kedusha."
Devoting attention to the ways of spiritual ascent for a yeshiva student beginning the new session, the Rosh Yeshiva added, "One must know that everyone can become a godol beYisroel. It does not depend on intelligence, but rather on diligence, for one who comes to be purified gains Divine spiritual assistance. This also applies in particular to those who devote themselves to the public. But even one who studies for his own sake becomes sanctified and gains this Heavenly assistance.
"Studying with a chavrusa compounds this, for each one adds understanding to his partner. Partners should aim to bond with one another and enlighten the partner, rather than just to argue. Not that dispute and debate are negative but they should only be for the sake of clarity in study and not just to have the upper hand.
"Also important is tending to the needs of talmidei chachomim and the scholastic give-and-take among the students. Two students may enjoy the relation of the greater one influencing and teaching the lesser, like teacher and pupil. Such a connection is very productive in Torah study, as is written, 'One who increases study increases wisdom.' It also says, 'Increasing Torah study increases life,' though the first supersedes the second.
"One should know in general that everyone can, without too much effort, complete the entire Shas over a period of time, without pressure or special exertion, experiencing 'Fortunate are you in this world,' as well as through pleasure, as is written, 'The statutes of Hashem are straightforward, rejoicing for the heart.'
"Torah is interesting; everyone can succeed in Torah study, according to his capacity. It does not depend on any special talents but on persistence. He can eventually complete Shas and begin all over again, Bavli and also Mishnayos as well as Zeroim, Taharos. It's not a problem.
"One must utilize time to the utmost without waste. Actually, there are many things which cause laxity, like curiosity of what is going on in the world. But how does it really affect me? What difference will it make to me? Wars and floods happen in the world, and news... If it doesn't concern me personally, why should I care? During such wasted time I could have just as well directed my curiosity to what is written in the gemara, what Rashi says, what the Tosafos comment.
"As for the approach to study: if one does not understand something, be it the gemara, Rashi or Tosafos, the advice is to sleep over it and return to it the next day. Most often, it will be clarified with the additional study, if not the second time, then the third. Review produces clarity. This is the formula for a happy life very literally. The most contented life is achieved through Torah study.
"With the help of Hashem, may the students of the yeshiva and their teachers, who enrich the public, and those who are duly affected, succeed in their study and become gedolei Yisroel."