Dei'ah Vedibur - Information &

A Window into the Chareidi World

22 Marcheshvan, 5782 - October 28, 2021 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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HaRav Dov Lando is in America

by Yisrael Rosner

The crowds at Shacharis at the home of Rabbi Shimon Glick; Inset: HaRav Lando speaking to bnei yeshios

The heightened excitement continues to embrace the Torah-true community in America in honor of the historic visit of HaRav Dov Lando, rosh yeshiva of Slobodka yeshiva in Bnei Brak, who has come to bolster the Torah world in particular. In the course of Sunday evening and Monday morning, throngs of people came to welcome him at his lodgings by the rabbinical magnate, Rabbi Shimon Glick, in Monsey.

The Rosh Yeshiva strengthened the delegation of avreichim who came by urging them to continue their Torah study and increase it in intensity and to shun all kinds of material enticements which seep in from all corners and the difficulties which demand increased dedication to the important goal of "Your Torah is better for me than thousands of gold and silver." This, indeed, he said, is the fundamental support of the pillars of the world that they not crumble.

He also encouraged the dozens of philanthropists to continue their support of the Torah world, repeatedly voicing the message that the future rests upon their shoulders, for the value of Torah which will continue for the future generations in its purity and character is only through the increase of Torah students and kollelim.

Many hundreds of local residents participated in the Shacharis prayers on Monday morning in his lodgings to the very bursting point. HaRav Lando was called up to the Torah and recited the Hagomel blessing. The central room was filled with those who had come to daven in his proximity and subsequently receive his blessings, counsel and direction. The courtyard and roads surrounding the house were filled with worshipers, while after the davening, people continued to converge in a long stream of visitors come to be blessed by the Rosh Yeshiva, who greeted each one individually enthusiastically.

The home of his accommodations, which had in the past hosted the unforgettable visit of HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman, was transformed into a beis medrash and a veritable 'meeting place of sages' with the coming of the students of Yeshivas Beis Mikra, headed by HaRav Bodenheimer, as well as the students of Ohel Torah, headed by HaRav Rosengarten, to seek Torah from his holy mouth and bend an ear and heart to the Torah messages of one of the outstanding Torah giant of Eretz Yisroel.

In the guidance of the Rosh Yeshiva, whose utterances were avidly absorbed by the young Torah students, he said, among other things, that "the words of Torah are said to be sweeter than honey, that Torah is the sweetest thing in the world. Study diligently, listen to the words of your teachers, for Hashem's Torah is perfect, it revives the soul. And thus will you succeed in ascending, level after level, and bring joy to your parents and teachers, for this is the true success."

In the course of his visit, the Rosh Yeshiva is scheduled to deliver shiurim and participate in assemblies in many Torah halls of communities including Far Rockaway, Lawrence, Boro Park and Flatbush.

Thirstily drinking the words of Torah at Lakewood


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