To Revive the Spiritual Desolation
by Yated Staff
Klal Yisroel has two very different situations: one when the Beis Hamikdosh is built, and the other when we are in exile.
It is explained in seforim, mainly the Ramban Commentary on Chumash, that the superior situation of Klal Yisroel is when the Shechinah is present, and Israel is on its Land and it fulfills the 613 mitzvos, and then one sees tangibly Hashgochoh and Emunah.
In the Beis Hamikdash the Emunah is tangible. The mitzvos were given primarily for a situation like that.
Yet sometimes are a result of our sins we are exiled from our Land, and the Ramban says that then the mitzvos are essentially signposts and souvenirs so that we will know how to perform the mitzvos when the Beis Hamikdash will be rebuilt.
In exile itself there are two distinct forms, says HaRav Rafael Tikoczinsky zt"l. There is a physical exile, with pogroms and suffering including widespread murder such as we experienced in the Holocaust R"l. However in recent decades there could be a concern that the feeling of physical exile could be impacted, since we are in control like other nations in their lands. Is this truly exile?
Yet we have been shown that this is really still exile. In recent months no one has felt secure anywhere and any time. And there is still a spiritual exile. There is pressure from cultural values whose source is various places, and this is the exile in which we find ourselves in Eretz Yisrael.
Our leaders taught us,and the time of the founding of the State, that this is exile among the Jews. If in those days there were some who denied this, today the truth is clear to all. The clear vision of the gedolei Torah is vindicated. It would seem that none among the faithful of Israel has any more doubts.
In our situation of today, where we are in both a physical and spiritual exile, we must send representatives to that very Knesset to fight for our rights so that we may continue to revive the spiritual desolation in which Am Yisrael is, and they will try as best they can to foil the ideas and decrees that those who hate the Torah innovate all the time.
However how and against what they should struggle, against what they should fight with boldness and firmly, and against what they should merely register their opposition, and so on, this is decided by gedolei Yisroel.
In addition to the importance of representatives of bnei Torah who will listen only to the directives of gedolei Torah, there is another sublime goal, that is to show the whole world how many bnei Torah there are in Am Yisroel. There are so many people who are tied to Torah and so many who declare their allegiance to gedolei Torah.
This declaration is only in Degel HaTorah!