An ongoing battle has been waged for the past thirty years against non-Jewish immigration from many countries, primarily from Russia, all because of the infamous `grandfather' clause in the Israeli immigration laws. This allows immigration for someone, even one born of two gentile parents, as long as he or she has even one Jewish grandparent. These people are considered full immigrants under the Israeli Law of Return and are entitled to the full basket of rights and privileges.
As if this were not enough, that person is allowed to bring his entire non-Jewish family into the country, even though they don't have a Jewish antecedent, two generations back. This opens the door for the entry thousands of non-Jews to Israel. Many dozens of articles have appeared in Yated Ne'eman on the subject during this long period.
The results of this immigration have been disastrous. Due to this preposterous clause, half a million non-Jews have settled in Israel, with no word of protest from anyone.
Today this immigration has become a whole industry whereby non-Jews can avail themselves of bountiful benefits including the absorption `basket', housing, medical insurance, and most important — Israeli citizenship and an Israeli passport. Many of these "immigrants" go right back to their country of origin or have gone on to other Western countries.
What has taken place these past three years has already crossed all red lines. Yisrael Beitenu succeeded in passing an amendment to the law whereby a new immigrant can receive an Israeli passport immediately, without any residence requirements. Throughout the years, all pertinent government offices, including the Interior Ministry, Justice and Police Departments, and even the Security Ministry, looked the other way, but the new benefits of citizenship and passport were gained during Lieberman's tenure in that Ministry when all the members of his party exerted full pressure to pass this amendment, if not with full government consent, at least with their tacit agreement.
A fascinating investigation was broadcast on Channel 13 where reporter Aviv Druker presented incisive and shocking testimonies regarding the broad scope of the shady commerce going on, leading to an incredible conclusion: macherim working within smoothly running commercial offices are succeeding in organizing to give all of the immigration benefits and rights to people who have no intention of settling in Israel. The latter are provided — for a fee — with visas, free flights (as olim) and sought after passports almost immediately, and in some cases, are able to make the back trip on the same return flight. No need to remind the reader that this bonanza includes the absorption package, medical insurance and many other benefits. Most important of all, however, is the Israeli passport.
In an interview with Yated Ne'eman, Druker explained the full import of this benefit and why it is worthwhile for Russians to lie to the Israeli consulate that they intend to reside in Israel, when the entire procedure many take a mere day or two until the coveted passport is in their pocket. We first sought to learn how this all began, and what is the leading threat according to his extensive inquiry and its ramifications.
"It began with something from the inside which showed us how easy it is to obtain a visa, who seeks it, to what extent and how much flexibility is involved and the true intentions behind actual immigration. The purpose was to increase immigration as much as possible, even if those in question do not remain here for long, if only for a days or even a few hours!"